Ga-Rei-Zero - Reviews

Alt title: Ga-Rei: Zero

MateaSnowy1402's avatar
Jul 13, 2015

What a what was that? The first episode was uttery magnificent, brilliant even. But... but.... what the hell was with the rest of it?? Don`t get me wrong, I like sappy romances, but the worst of it- there wasn't any of it!! I give up. I'll watch it some other time. If I remember it.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
2.5/10 overall
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Dungeon's avatar
Jun 17, 2012

Main story goes around a secret organization that fights paranormal forces, basically we have the classic fight between good and evil, story has a few but nice twists, funny and sad moments.

Some characters are nice, and since the story starts on certain advance point and then goes back to tell what happened up to that point, its interesting to see how and why main characters problems started.

My favorite part of the serie would be the OP music "paradise lost" i really liked the theme. 

P.D. the serie dosnt have a definitive ending, and as far as i know it continues on manga.

5/10 story
6/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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Sstalker0641's avatar
Feb 24, 2019

Oi somebody forgot to add a tragedy tag to this one

8/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Omurqi's avatar
Oct 9, 2009

This anime really grew to me a few weeks after I finished it. Don't get me wrong, I loved it while watching this series, but this is one of those rare cases that got better over time.

It's best described as a Drama / Action / Supernatural anime. It starts with great action (the first episode was what I hoped Canaan would be, awesome fast-paced action) and works hard on the character-development once you're a few episodes in. But really, with an OP like this, I was already sold at the very beginning:

Check out the full version as well, I think it's even better.

This is the prologue to the Ga-Rei manga, and gave me all the motivation I could ask for to start reading it. Don't be expecting a masterpiece, Ga-Rei -Zero- isn't flawless, but fans of good character development, action and drama shouldn't miss out on this beauty.


?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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PurplePenguin's avatar
Dec 25, 2009

Having recently finished watching Ga-Rei Zero I was left in two minds in whether this was a success or failure.Ga-Rei Zero for the most part is a solidly written and executed anime, the characters are believable and the relationship between the two main characters Yomi and Kagura is well directed. The problem with Ga-Rei Zero stems from the fact that it is just too short, having only twelve episodes your left with the feeling more episodes would of benefited the production allowing it more time to develop the storyline and give it more foundation to grow, instead your left with what could be a fantastic story being rushed and fitted into twelve episodes.

Although Ga-Rei Zero is some what in my opinion underdeveloped there is no disputing it is an entertaining anime with a storyline that is sure to please many, yes they haven't perhaps got the most out of Ga-Rei Zero and it should of bigger than it was but despite that that there is still enough quality in animation and storyline to make this worth while viewing. 

To summarise Ga-Rei Zero is a good anime but it is just that, good and your left with the after taste of what could of been if more focus and depth was put into it. 

7.5/10 story
7.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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