Food Wars! The Third Plate: Erina no Shin Seikatsu - Reviews

Alt title: Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Erina no Shin Seikatsu

ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 10, 2024

"Food Wars! The Third Plate: Erina no Shin Seikatsu" (Erina's New Life) is an OVA that provides a glimpse into Erina Nakiri's adjustment to her new life at the Polar Star Dormitory, following the tumultuous events of the main series. This side story enriches the "Food Wars!" narrative by focusing on character development, specifically Erina's, highlighting her growth and interactions with the other dorm residents. While it maintains the essence of "Food Wars!" with its culinary themes and character dynamics, this OVA faces challenges in narrative depth and pacing within its brief runtime.

A Fresh Serving of Character Insight

  • Character Development: This OVA shines a light on Erina's character, showcasing her vulnerabilities, strengths, and the gradual shift in her perspective influenced by her new environment and friendships. It's a significant addition for fans interested in Erina's journey and her evolving relationship with Soma Yukihira and other characters.

  • Culinary Highlights: True to the series' spirit, "Erina no Shin Seikatsu" includes delightful culinary moments that remind viewers of the joy and passion that drive the characters. These scenes serve not only as entertainment but also as a vehicle for showcasing Erina's growth as a chef and individual.

Encountering Kitchen Obstacles

  • Limited Scope and Depth: Given the OVA format's time constraints, this episode faces challenges in fully exploring the complexities of Erina's character development and her interactions with the Polar Star residents. The narrative might feel condensed, leaving viewers craving a more detailed exploration of her transformation.

  • Narrative Impact: As a side story, the OVA's events have limited repercussions on the main series' overarching plot, which might lead some viewers to question its relevance. However, for those deeply invested in the characters, it offers valuable insights into Erina's character and her place within the broader "Food Wars!" narrative.

Savoring the Flavor

  • Insight into Daily Life at Polar Star: The OVA provides a rare look into the daily dynamics of the Polar Star Dormitory, highlighting the sense of community and camaraderie that defines it. These moments enrich the series' world, offering a lighter, more intimate perspective on the characters' lives outside the high-stakes culinary battles.

  • Enhanced Character Relationships: By focusing on Erina's interactions with other characters in a more relaxed setting, the OVA strengthens the viewer's understanding of the series' relationships and social dynamics. It's an enjoyable exploration of how Erina fits into the Polar Star family and her impact on the dorm's atmosphere.


"Food Wars! The Third Plate: Erina no Shin Seikatsu" serves as a flavorful side dish to the main series, offering a closer look at Erina Nakiri's personal growth and her integration into the Polar Star Dormitory. While it navigates the challenges of narrative depth and impact within the constraints of an OVA, it successfully captures the essence of "Food Wars!"—celebrating culinary passion, friendship, and personal development. For fans of the series, especially those intrigued by Erina's character, this OVA is a delightful addition that complements the rich tapestry of the "Food Wars!" universe.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
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AquamarineGem's avatar
Apr 6, 2022

Food Wars! The Third Plate: Erina no Shin Seikatsu is an OVA that revolves around Erina Nakiri. 

  • Erina Nakiri is a girl that I really admire. I'm so envious of her. She is from a very wealthy family. She was literally born with a silver spoon and gold pallete. She also was known for her "God's tongue" ability that lets her point out flaws with people's cooking.
  • This OVA was about Erina running away from her wealthy family, and living in the school dormitories. She has no knowledge of how to use a washing machine to do laundry, or how to vaccuum floors. Due to her wealthy upbringing, Erina Nakiri didn't know how to do common household chores. She tries to act tough in front of Yukihira Souma and her other friends. The girls even offer to share the laundry machine with them. 
  • After running away, she experiences her many first time experiences such as bathing in a public bath surrounded by her school friends. 
  • This OVA lets viewers understand more about Erina Nakiri's normal daily life and how she adjusts with her new environment.
  • Hopefully, my review gave you some in depth insight and understanding of Erina Nakiri. Thanks for reading this review. 
7/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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zhentic's avatar
Apr 21, 2021

It was hard finding this ova, but I found it, without spanish or english subs, so i was unable to understand the gags this episode has to offer.

5/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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MEriVia's avatar
Dec 18, 2019

I'll give it 10 points, Just because it's my beautiful Waifu.

But i know recentlly J.C. Staff make it bad.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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