Food Wars! The Fourth Plate - Reviews

Alt title: Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara

ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 10, 2024

"Food Wars! The Fourth Plate" serves as the continuation of the heated culinary saga, focusing on the intense battles of the Totsuki Academy's Regiment de Cuisine. This season further escalates the culinary showdowns between the rebels and the Elite Ten Council, with Soma Yukihira and his friends fighting not just for their survival within the academy but also for the very soul of culinary creativity against the backdrop of Central's authoritarian grip. The stakes are higher, the dishes more exquisite, and the character developments deeper, making "The Fourth Plate" a compelling addition to the "Food Wars!" series.

A Feast of Culinary Mastery

  • Culinary Creativity at Its Peak: This season showcases some of the most innovative and visually stunning dishes in the series, highlighting the characters' growth as chefs and their unique culinary visions. The detailed presentation of each dish not only tantalizes the taste buds but also encapsulates the essence of the characters' culinary philosophies.

  • Strategic Battles and Team Dynamics: The Regiment de Cuisine format introduces a new layer of strategy and teamwork, pushing the characters to rely on each other's strengths and compensate for weaknesses. This dynamic enriches the narrative, offering a fresh perspective on culinary battles that emphasizes collaboration and tactical planning.

Challenges in the Kitchen

  • Pacing and Focus: With the focus narrowed down to the Regiment de Cuisine, some viewers might find the pacing a bit monotonous, with the continuous stream of battles potentially overshadowing character development outside the kitchen. However, this concentrated narrative also allows for an in-depth exploration of cooking styles and strategies, catering to the series' core audience.

  • Character Development: While "The Fourth Plate" excels in showcasing culinary battles, the character development, especially of the supporting cast, can sometimes feel secondary to the plot's progression. Despite this, key moments of insight into characters like Erina Nakiri and the members of the Elite Ten provide valuable depth and motivation to the ongoing conflict.

Savoring the Growth

  • Evolution of Culinary Ideals: This season delves deeper into the ideological clash between the freedom of culinary expression and the rigid standards imposed by Central. This conflict drives much of the character growth and narrative tension, presenting a compelling commentary on creativity versus conformity within the culinary world.

  • Highlighting the Essence of Food Wars!: "The Fourth Plate" encapsulates the core themes of the "Food Wars!" series—passion, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of culinary excellence. The intense battles, strategic depth, and moments of personal growth all contribute to a season that is both a celebration of food and a testament to the characters' journey.


"Food Wars! The Fourth Plate" continues to delight and inspire with its blend of high-stakes culinary battles, character development, and a deep dive into the art of cooking. While it navigates through challenges of pacing and character focus, the season maintains the series' hallmark of engaging storytelling and mouth-watering cuisine. As the battle for Totsuki Academy's future unfolds, "The Fourth Plate" stands as a testament to the enduring themes of creativity, collaboration, and culinary passion that have defined the "Food Wars!" saga.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Kaito17's avatar
Jun 8, 2021

This anime is good just the sound kinda annoying because of "ahhhhh" and the animation is good but some of scene was like hentai so yeah just the story of last season kinda you knoe hahaha so that its Sorry for grammar 

9/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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