Dragon Ball Super - Reviews

Schoolboyz's avatar
Apr 3, 2020

Dragon Ball Super is one of the most mid anime I believe I have watched. When Super gets good, its good. Black is one of the best villains introduced in Dragon Ball, and the Ultra Instinct created one of the best transformations next to Super Saiyan. With that said, the rest of the show is almost unwatchable. Many plot holes and retcons, constant dumbing-down of the characters compared to DBZ (aka Goku's entire character), and so. much. filler. Super truly only has 2 arcs, considering the first 2 are recaps of movies. There are so many elements of the show that would've been better if they followed the manga rather than making anime only content. 

3/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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starlightdreams's avatar
Jan 24, 2021

Okay so I'm going to list off some of the things that I think was good in DBS Dragon Ball super is like a cupcake that's made out of crap with sprinkles and no matter how many sprinklers you put on that cupcake that' cupcake is still crap. The good things the introduction of new characters. the introduction of the new gods of destruction in the Supreme Kai's in the Multiverse. 

I'm not going to talk about the first two arc since they're just retelling of movies 

my knowledge on Universe 6 vs 7 Arc is so so cuz I only I only watch half of that Arc

so I'm going to go right into the Turles oh my bad I meant Goku black Arc at some point

I know a lot of people don't like the universe 6 Saiyans but this is one of the things that I like about this because it's a new universe it makes sense for them to be as strong as they are we as the audience have not witness their Adventures like how we witness Goku's Adventures from Dragon Ball leading up to Super a lot of people don't like the fact that they achieve ssj easily but if we go back and watch regular Z or Kai Gohan prove to us the audience if you have the energy to tap into ssj2. Even though it was done as a gag joke Goten and Trunks who are 7 and 8 turn SS1 and was able to go ssj3 when fuse again telling us the audience if you have enough energy then tap into the forms are easy. Yeah and it was also stated that the evolution was different and universe 6 vs 7 even though their sister universe

Let's start with the Goku black Arc this Arc had the potential to be a good Arc

I can only describe Goku black as bad fanfiction if I want to look at an evil Goku I'll just look at the Tree of Might. the characters zamasu had the potential to be a good villain if he was a stand-alone villain here's the good. An apprentice Kai Who falls from grace and becomes the bad guy I thought that was good His reasoning for hate lesser beings was kind of lame but whatever two Rock people fighting against each other and he's like yeah you know what Mortals are terrible. He could use the SDB multiple times to do pretty much anything or wish for anything

For example I wish I was as strong as Goku and Vegeta combined. I wish every time I engage in battle my strength quadruples. his immortality and regeneration wish cool now for the body switching technique he's able to use Goku's moves like they're nothing Captain Ginyu was a master at body-swapping and he couldn't even use Goku's body that good. Then we get Future Trunks who comes to the present Goku black comes to the present Goku black destroys the time machine they use the same time machine that cell use that came from The Unseen timeline then that time machine miraculously took Future Trunks to his future instead of the timeline that cell came from okay plot hole whatever and think Goku black fused with zamasu and he's half immortal the 

Time limit with the earrings the spirit sword from Yu Yu Hakusho SSj rage Goku push the button Zeno comes in erase trunks timeline and then they sent Future Trunks to a timeline where there is another Future Trunks instead of sending him to the Unseen timeline where cell came from because that world doesn't have any Heroes.

Let's start with the TOP the recruitment phase my biggest problem is the power scaling for Universe 7 I don't have a problem with any of the other universe being as strong as they are or as weak as they are because again we as the audience have not witnessed what any of those universes been through I want to start off with Goku and Krillin having a sparring match they have a beam Clash battle with the Kamehameha and Krillin Kamehameha enough said going onto problem number two is Master roshi being able to beat Tien shinhan because in regular Dragon Ball during the World Tournament Master roshi had already stated that Goku Krillin Yamcha and Tien had already surpassed him but this is super Piccolo someone who physically and mentally train all the time is weaker than Android 17 the same Android 17 that he gave that work to in the cell Saga okay this is super Gohan who trained a couple of days with Piccolo who's able to push ssj blue Goku to use the Kaioken I think okay this is super. Master roshi who was stated to be weaker than Raditz in Dragon Ball Z is giving Frost trouble the same Frost who make Goku and Vegeta turn Super Saiyan against him okay this is super Frieza who should not have been brought back from the dead but I'm not going to go into that Frieza is able to maintain his golden form and this is all due to mental training he's wrapped up in a cocoon he is not physically training with anyone okay this is super. One of the fights that I remember was hit vs. Jiren. Hit freeze jiren in a Time bubble and jiren breaks out of it he is so strong that he surpasses time okay. Goku vs the girls individually he has no power no stamina he's able to hold them off them in the reason why because he's a martial artist but since Goku's been practicing martial arts all his life if we go back to the Frieza Saga when he was low on power and didn't have any stamina but he's been practicing martial arts all his life he should have been able to hold his own against Frieza but this is super I mean I could go on and on about how bad this is don't get me wrong regular Dragon Ball Z and Kai or Z did have his problems but nothing like this and this is not Nostalgia talkin if they would have just hire some continuity writers this could have been a better product DBS is a test to see how much BS you can put up with basically

3/10 story
3/10 animation
3/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Deedism's avatar
Aug 2, 2018

Dragon Ball Super is pretty much what one would expect from the Dragon Ball franchise. Frankly, it's a surprisingly good series that is unfortunately highly dampened by the slow pacing, dull and dumbed-down storytelling of the first few arcs.

Through these early arcs, there's no essence of the original DBZ to be seen or noted. No fights worth remembering either. The dialogue, humor and "story" are awfully forced despite their best efforts to play on the nostalgia factor.

This is often where most watchers (especially old time fans) drop the show, and I honestly don't blame any of them; I sure did for a while too.

However, the show does take a serious turn around the last 2 arcs (Future Trunks Saga + Universe Survival Saga). It's filled with mostly beautifully animated fighting scenes, the story picks up its pace to emulate the intensity and fierceness of the original DBZ mixed in with small instances of hilarity reminiscent of the original Dragon Ball. 

Frankly, Just those two arcs do such an immensly great job, despite the anti-climactic and predictable endingthat the show left me with a void in my heart, feeling somewhat sad and desiring for more by the last episode.

In DBS, the Tournament of Power is the absolute highlight of the series. There's so much to be said about this particular part of the show, considering that this is where many things evolved and went to the next level, but for the sake of consiceness here's a summary of what makes this arc great:

1. It's a tournament: While touranments are nothing new to the DB universe being a common theme in DB and DBZ, DBS chose to take a fresh new approach on the concept and turned it into a Battle Royale. This added an extra layer of intensity, survivalism and ferocity to the events like never before, and brought forth some truly sickening powerful fighting scenes that one could only wish to have seen in DBZ. 

2. Some character development: Yes, that sort of actually happened to a certain degree. DB franchise isn't exactly well known for that sort of thing but some of the main cast did finally evolve somewhat. Vegeta's more humane aspects finally come to fruition that far into the series but what really was intriguing for me personally was the minimal but not-unwelcome change(?) in Goku's personality. Truthfully, calling it a change is a bit of a reach, the alteration in character is subtle at best but in some instances, the show had me (and others) wondering if Goku's motivations are to be trusted or not. That's something, right?

3. It's nostalgic af: At this point of the series, the producers seem to finally get a grasp of that sweetspot where the humor finally matches to a better degree with the original DB series, and the fights, well, they're what we loved about DBZ and what we all came for. What really drives this nostalgic feeling home for old-time watchers, is the revival of some old and somewhat forgotten characters from DB. Tien, Master Roshi, Krillin, and Piccolo once again come into the limelight and share some final moments in battle (even if it doesn't really make any sense considering the scale of power of the events at that point).

4. New Characters: A whole bunch of characters and species get introduced and explored, albeit shallowly. Some of the notable ones being: Cabba, Kale, Hit and the angels.

5. Great Animation: For the most part, the animation and sequences are truly glamorous for an anime series. Not many shows get this treatment these days, especially when they're action packed and filled with rapid, high-speed action. Of course, it goes without saying that some episodes and scenes turned out wonky but that's only natural given the nature of tight scheduling and impossible work hours that go into the production. 

With all of that being said, would I recommend this series? yes, but with a lot of disclaimers attached. It's not the best story wise, and aside from the animation quality, everything else is somewhat sub-par and kind of "meh" aside from what was stated above. But if you were to consider watching DBS, Just watch "Battle of Gods" and "Resurrection 'F'" movies prior, then watch or skip everything in between till the "Future Trunks" Saga. 


5/10 story
8.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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BrolyM's avatar
Jan 28, 2021

I just finished watching it 2 days ago and then watched the S-Broly Movie. FFS its amazing! And no, i mean the Movie.

This Show is actually a piece of garbage and a insult for the fact i was born. 

Characters are.. what are they? wtf is this dancing vegata, nerd Gohan and goku got hit by a bullet? whut

Also wtf is with this dude Zamasu and Jiren, nothing they did made any sense. The Plot didnt made any sense not even if you are drunk. Not that i was drunk, i wasnt but i was feeling like i was drunk.

FFS how drunk you have to be to create this plot?

Is the Manga actually different? i heard some people said the manga was better

1/10 story
4/10 animation
4/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
fh0jackson's avatar
Jan 18, 2023

The story, animation, sound are good but the is too many charaters The story is interesting except the very very drawn out battles but still fun to watch. It is very action packed

8/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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