Dirty Pair Flash - Reviews

JJR1971's avatar
Dec 26, 2015

This is basically an "origin story" re-imagining of the original characters.  Kei is a tough tomboy from the streets, while Yuri is a prissy princess already working for the agency.  Yuri is tasked with recruiting Kei, and it's a tough sell.  Their lives keep crossing paths and eventually Kei joins up with Yuri, and slowly this bickering pair become friends.  It's amusing to see these immature "teen" versions of the original characters.  They were really incompetent in these years, getting the job done more by luck & pluck than skill.  Again, if you like this you will probably like Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and vice versa.  This also got an English dub, but the voice cast is different than the Dirty Pair OVAs.

8/10 story
8.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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