Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - Reviews

Animelover6967's avatar
Oct 10, 2022

You know, I always say, wHy CaN't ThE mAiN PrOtAgoNiSt LOSe aNd ThE ViLlAiN WiN fOr OnCe. And here I got what I want yet I feel like dog shit.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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govo's avatar
Oct 6, 2022

Not going to elaborate much.

Story: does not pretend to be anything that it isn't. It's relatively simple, it's straightforward, it's well done (specially for the amount of episodes given) and personally it's relatable in some of the struggles. If it resonates with you, you will feel it and will think about it for weeks. If not, that's ok, still a cool story to watch.

Animation: over the top as expected. No complaints. In some scenes it almost felt like a parody of Trigger's style. Fits the chaotic nature of the series. 1:1 representation of the game and its locations.

Sound: music is probably among the best things of the series. Personally, I've been listening to them for the past weeks almost on repeat.

Characters: usual "normal" people in a messed up world, each with their difficulties and traumas, not perfect. If you are looking for extremely powerful/intelligent skills or exceptional rational decision making disregarding personality, probably not for you. Character designs are amazing.

Overall: 10/10

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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DerNerd's avatar
Sep 17, 2022

Here are my 2 cents, since this has not been mentioned yet:
A very brave cartoon, that suceeds in almost everything.
The Story itself is brave, but this anime deserves more episodes.
Sometimes the jumps in time are way to big and you feel disconnected.
It really pulled me out of the experience and it really disconnected me from the characters.
It feels like "sorry, we did not have enough time to tell what we wanted to and had to drop half of the story".

I would be glad to watch one more season, that takes its time to develop the characters and the story.

PS: If you liked the story and you have a PS5 or a decent PC: Play Cyberpunk 2077.
But play it for the story, not for the simulation.

6/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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BaconDragon's avatar
Sep 24, 2022

Actually made me wanna play the game lmao 

In all seriousness this is a beautiful story whose only downside was that there wasnt more of it, leading to a few rushed pacing problems but thats genuinely a really minor problem. 

Otherwise this was one of Triggers best works and probably THE best if youre not super subjective like me about your favorites. 

This was a match made in heaven and gifted to us, an absolute MASTERPIECE of true ART! Especially sound and animation are worth the watch, as well as the absolutely lovable characters!

Do not miss out on this brightly shining gem just because its a bit short, the brightest fires burn the quickest and this show is that in so many ways that its just beautiful.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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AZMANNOOO's avatar
Oct 7, 2022

Only Trigger Stuio can make this.Like Kill la Kill.Thanks for them.

9.2/10 story
10/10 animation
9.4/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.8/10 overall
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