Cosmic Fantasy: Ginga Me Hyou no Wana - Reviews

Feinraf's avatar
Apr 7, 2019

Disclaimer 1: Watched this as part of DTAB so went into this expecting it to be really bad.

Disclaimer 2: Watched this with some amateur (but amazing) subtitles.

Disclaimer 3: I've never played the video games that this was based on.

Cosmic Fantasy: Ginga Me Hyou no Wana may have been released in 1994 but it felt more like it was from the 80's than the 90's. Quite poor production quality and a strange mix of characters. Based on a video game, the OVA was watchable and made sense for those like myself who haven't played the games, the characters although random were set at the beginning of the production so the story was easier followed than expected. So whats it's highlights? Well if you like yourself some overly attractive aliens, weird robots and cheesy romance, this is for you. If you're like most of us on here and you've got a backlog longer than Santa's list, this probably isn't worth your time. Also, the music was alright! 

5/10 story
2/10 animation
2/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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