Chrono Trigger - Reviews

Alt titles: Jikuu Bouken Nuumamonjaa, Nuumamonja: Time and Space Adventures

EibhilinRhett's avatar
Apr 26, 2015

Okay so this OVA is really dumb but in a cute, silly way. It's only like 16 minutes long, so I'd say go ahead and watch it if you've got nothing better to do.


The story is basically the night before the millenial fair, the monsters come out and have their OWN millenial fair. And two monsters, our protagonists, get into all sorts of trouble. The story is just really lighthearted and pointless, with a lot of slapstick comedy thrown in.

The animation is clearly dated. It also tends to be really overdone and the art isn't all that good. They could have done a better job with the character design. At least it's cute though.


The sound is definitely the high point, because it has several tracks that are remixes from the actual game, and Chrono Trigger was a game with excellent music. As for the voice acting, it was cheesy, over the top, and bad. But like less in a painful way, and more in a so-bad-it's-good way.

 Everyone is just pretty silly and dumb, and a couple more noticeable monsters from the game show up (including that robot from the beginning of the game at the Millenial fair, the one you can fight to get points). They're not particularly compelling but they're silly and fun to watch, which is about what I'd be looking for in a dumb little short like this that is just for silly times and things.

 The Chrono Trigger OVA has very little to do with the story of the game itself, though there are a few nods here and there that fans may notice. All in all, it's a delightfull little piece of trash that's so bad it's good. Perfect thing to watch after you've been doing work that's intellectually intensive all day and just want to watch something silly and stupid you don't want to think too hard about. 

5/10 story
4/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Rickio87's avatar
Jun 22, 2013

This was just terrible, not worth the 16 minutes of my life.

Story line basically non existant and it is simply just annoying 

1/10 story
5/10 animation
4/10 sound
2/10 characters
2/10 overall
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