Chivalry of a Failed Knight - Reviews

Alt title: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

SEGHE's avatar
Sep 16, 2023

"Chivalry of a Failed Knight" - A Pleasant Surprise in the World of Battle Academy Anime

Story (7/10): "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" takes place in a world where students with magical abilities attend a prestigious academy to become knights. The story centers on Ikki Kurogane, a "Failed Knight" with no magical talent, and Stella Vermillion, a princess who excels in magic. Despite being an underdog, Ikki's determination to prove himself and his budding relationship with Stella create a compelling narrative. The anime balances action-packed battles and character development effectively, making it an engaging watch.

Animation (7/10): The animation in this series is well-executed, particularly during the action sequences. The battles are fluid and dynamic, with creative displays of magical abilities. Character designs are appealing, and the overall visual quality contributes positively to the viewing experience.

Sound (6/10): The soundtrack complements the action and emotional moments of the anime, but it doesn't stand out significantly. Voice acting performances are solid and capture the personalities of the characters effectively.

Characters (7/10): The character development in "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" is a highlight. Ikki is a relatable protagonist who faces adversity with determination, while Stella's strong-willed yet caring nature makes her endearing. The supporting cast, including other students at the academy, adds depth to the story with their unique personalities and motivations.

Overall (6/10): "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" is a pleasant surprise in the world of battle academy anime. It successfully blends elements of action, romance, and character growth. While it follows some familiar tropes, it distinguishes itself through its well-executed character dynamics and engaging battles. If you enjoy stories of underdogs rising to the occasion and forging powerful bonds, this anime is worth a watch.

Regarding the manga adaptation, it follows a similar storyline but provides additional details and character insights that can enhance your appreciation of the series. If you're a fan of the anime, exploring the manga can be a rewarding experience.

In summary, "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" may not reinvent the genre, but its execution and character-driven narrative make it a solid choice for fans of battle academy anime.

7/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
ChiefEugene's avatar
Aug 11, 2021

I'll be blunt, this show is an insult to its audience.

Here's why I say that.

Chivalry of a Failed Knight has a 12-epsiode runtime, with no sequel. With that short timeframe in mind, the producers of this show have taken this story (keep in mind, I haven't read the manga or LN yet), and butchered it. Absolutely butchered it. 

Chivalry of a Failed Knight is the epitome of plot-holes, and halfassed development of characters and plot. The show WASTES FAR TOO MUCH TIME on absolutely irrelevant characters that play no significant part in the story or character development, and moreover, forces the watcher to sit down through grueling and just unpleasant scenes of the Main character being a beta pushover. 

There are so many characters that represent the antagaonists in this show, which the audience no doubt can easily develop extremely hateful feelings towards, but the show decides to troll its watchers, and as per usual half-asses a resolution in regards to the antagonists. There is no epic battle, there is no epic fight, there is nothing like that at the end. In fact, the final episode is the biggest insult to the audience of them all. The final fucking episode doesn't even have a proper fight scene, and the image quality of the 11th and 12th episode have god-awful film filters that are just insanely hurtful to the eyes. 

The Story had potential, and had a good foundation, but was absolutely ruined in the final episodes. Hell, I'd even say, School Days was a better show than this, and that's assuming you look at it with the worst lens possible. At least the main character in school days who was a dick of a person actually gets whats coming to them, meanwhile every disgusting antagonist in this show gets written off with some dog-shit plothole.

Animation, 2 episodes that hurt the hell out of my eyes ruined it for me. 

Music, absolutely tasteless. Some acousting guitar music was played during the "apex battle scene" of the final episode, along with other various scenes where music was just horribly used. The ED isn't even good either. All-around horrible instrumentation and orchestration.

Characters. This is by-far the one thing I hated about this show the most. The main 4 characters I don't have an issue with, though I do despise Ikki's pushover-like qualities. There are countless characters in this show that are proven to be absolutely irrelevant, and several others that, and I don't say this lightly, should be skinned alive or killed off in a gruesome way to appeal to the audience.

Overall, I thought this show was gonna be good, but holy hell was I disappointed majorly at the ending. 

5/10 story
5/10 animation
3/10 sound
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
VeryCasual's avatar
Aug 30, 2022

Can I have my time back? This show is the definition of trash, no factor of this show makes it worth watching. It was so bad that I can't even stand myself for finishing it. The characters were boring, the fights were ok, the love dynamics were weird in a bad way, and the idea isn't ordinal at all. This show is awful the worst I've ever seen. DO NOT WATCH THIS GARBAGE!

1/10 story
7/10 animation
5/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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HeatherGold's avatar
Jan 14, 2018

The story is amazing, it's been a while since a saw such an amazing one. But sadly there won't be a second season since there were many important details in the novel series that were deleted which are related to how deep the issues and struggles are this is why I concluded that the producers did it on purpose because they have already planned for only one season.

The manga and novel series are also great, and I like the fact that even though it's a Harem, Ikki (the male protagonist) don't really care and proof a loyal love to the only one he truly loves.

10/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 9, 2024

"Chivalry of a Failed Knight" is an anime that delves into the life of Ikki Kurogane, an underdog in a world where magical knights wield powers to battle and aspire to greatness. Set in an academy that trains these knights, the series attempts to weave a narrative around Ikki's journey from being considered the weakest student to proving his worth against all odds. The show combines elements of action, romance, and school life, aiming to explore themes of perseverance, love, and the true meaning of strength.

Glints of Brilliance

  • Underdog Spirit: Ikki Kurogane's relentless pursuit of improvement, despite being labeled the weakest student, serves as a beacon of inspiration. His unwavering determination and growth encapsulate the essence of an underdog fighting against predetermined labels.

  • Art and Animation: The series boasts moments of impressive animation, particularly during battle scenes. These sequences showcase fluid choreography and vibrant visuals, highlighting the characters' abilities in a visually engaging manner.

Stumbles in the Duel

  • Predictable Plot: The storyline often treads on familiar ground, echoing typical tropes and narratives seen in other magic academy anime. This predictability detracts from the overall engagement and freshness of the plot.

  • Character Depth: Beyond the main duo, Ikki and Stella, the development of supporting characters feels lacking. Many seem to serve as mere backdrops to the protagonists' journey, missing opportunities to explore their complexities and motivations.

  • Romance Execution: While the romance between Ikki and Stella is a central element, its development can feel rushed and superficial at times. The relationship sometimes leans on clichés rather than building a genuine connection through nuanced interactions.

  • Thematic Exploration: The anime's exploration of themes like perseverance and self-worth is commendable but often feels surface-level. The potential for deeper, more impactful commentary on these themes is occasionally overlooked in favor of advancing the plot.

A Sword Unsheathe

  • Unconventional Resolutions: The series occasionally introduces interesting methods through which Ikki overcomes challenges. These moments, although infrequent, provide a glimpse into the creative potential of the narrative and character strategies.


"Chivalry of a Failed Knight" presents a tale of determination and love set against the backdrop of a magical academy. While it shines in its depiction of an underdog's struggle and contains visually appealing battle scenes, the series is hampered by its predictability, lack of character depth, and sometimes superficial treatment of its central romance. The anime has moments that sparkle with potential but ultimately fails to fully distinguish itself within the crowded genre of magic school anime. Its exploration of themes and character dynamics leaves room for improvement, making it a journey that might resonate with fans of the genre but struggles to leave a lasting impact.

4/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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