Charlotte - Reviews

Empress's avatar
Sep 16, 2016

Spoilers Free Review

To be honest, I did enjoy the anime because the story was kind of intriguing but... the flow of the story was just bad. Like one moment you are cracking up at the silliness of the characters and the next something horrifying happens and leaves you utterly shocked without being able to believe that just happened because, hey... wasn't this supposed to be funny? I do get that tragedies and unfortune don't come with a warning but in this show it was just badly done.

The story goes from light hearted and silly to misterious and dark to down right tragedy to moving and heartfelt and back to light hearted comedy in a blink of an eye. The flow is so bad it just leaves you dumbfounded and not believing the story at all.

Then the plot holes. OMG the plot holes... I can't mention them specifically because they would be spoilers but seriously. Very stupid plot holes that make you scream at the screen because they are so obvious and they just make it seem like they were trying too hard to make up some tragedy because if not for the plot holes then the tragedy (which was utterly unnecessary would've been avoidable)

The end was kind of: let's just wrap this up and be done with it

I mean, the ending was plausible, but it felt like "let's just be done with it" kind of ending. The story had much more potential.

Also, I don't like the idea that special abilities are an illness that should be erradicated

I know that this review only mentions the negative, but that's what stood out the most. But I'll say it again, I did enjoy the story because it was intriguing. Of course, it was rather frustrating but I still wanted to know how it ended, so all in all, it wasn't all bad.

6/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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madebykoen's avatar
Nov 1, 2023

La historia se va poniendo interesante según avanzas, pero hay cosas que necesitan un mejor desarrollo/explicación, se desarrolla muy rápido para mi gusto, dejándome la sensación de que faltaban partes, sobre todo en el desarrollo del protagonista (tiene cambios que siento algo forzados y sin fondo, no le llevan a ningún lado porque al final el personaje se queda en el punto de inicio) y en la relación de este con uno de los personajes, está bien, pero es muy superficial. Aunque la serie da un giro interesante, podrías llegar a predecirlo. Todo el tiempo tuve la sensación de que era una serie muy superficial que le costaba llegar al fondo o se quedaba a medias a pesar de tener personajes con buenas historias y de que su trama es entretenida y digna de ver.

6.5/10 story
7/10 animation
?/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Seokjinnie19's avatar
Sep 12, 2021

the story has some good core plot that has the potential to become a great anime if done right , but the short period of time given ultimately made the director rush it up to arrive at the ending . Due to short period of time they have , they just rush up every character arcs/buildups  , like i don't actually feel really sad that the protagonist is going to die , and not really sad at all that the sister dies , i mean even the her bro , the main protagonist , doesn't seem to be sad that much and his mourning phase really seens insincere asf too. And then the big bro really got over his sister's death in like 1/4th of an episode . So ya the character building here is shit . The only person i felt sad for was the brother of the fl and that's probably cause his backstory arc happened before the writers/ director decided that they have to rush the anime in order to complete it at 13 epis .So as a result we got a bunch of characters we can't really feel related to . Also the way they decided to kill off the lil sister was so lack cluster and again, rushed , most probably cause they had to squeeze everything within 13 epis . And then the rest of it is just too fucking rushed up that we and even the characters themselves don't get time to feel any sort of remorse/ guilt / saddness/ anger just basically any emotions sincerely .Even if they did have to rush up , they could have seriously  added more facial expressions eg., saddness , anger , etc ,. to the main lead . He was actually such an emotionless guy that i felt like he didn't really feel that sad about the death of his sister, his bro's friend , and even the fl's bro's tragic backstory . I think the writers wanted to make him look like a guy who doesn't show his feelings cause he thinks has to be "strong" for  others even after the death of his sister but it just made him look like he's an asshole , even his morning period felt  like he was morning just cause he was "supposed" to and not because he was actually feeling sad . 

Final thoughts  :  the anime could have added 3 or 5 more episodes to actually let the characters feel something , especially the main lead , and give the appropriate time for the audience to relate to the  characters.


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5/10 story
5/10 animation
3/10 sound
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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giingeyyy's avatar
Apr 12, 2022

I don't get why people are trying to compare Charlotte with its predecessor, Angel Beats. While they're both created by Jun Maeda, they're both in different leagues. Angel Beats is a classic anime series which managed to cast a huge shadow for its successors. Although Charalotte might not be in the same tier as Angel Beats, I still found it enjoyable in my own right without having to compare the two. The animation and soundtrack were wonderful and whimsical. I don't really have much to add to those categories besides that. While the story seemed pretty simplistic at first, the sudden twists that happen as the story progressed left me jaw dropped and teary eyed. The main characters were lovable in their own right. Granted it's hard to give us, the viewers, memorable character development with a span of 13 episodes, I found that Yuu's character development was something to behold. Yuu, in the beginning, was someone who was selfish and only used his power to further climb up the ladder of life, to someone who used his power to save other people around his age around the globe. In between the complete 180 degree change of character who also managed to lose and regain his humanity, with the cost of loosing his memory temporarily at the end of the series. Although Charalotte may continue to live in the shadow of its predecessor for some people, the series itself still managed to convey an overall enjoyable experience for me.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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HakuriSahoni's avatar
Oct 14, 2015

Une petite review en francais pour les francophones fainéants.

Tout d'abord, je tiens à souligner que tout (ou presque) a déjà été dit dans les review précédentes et si vous n'avez pas encore vu cet anime et que vous vous demandez si cela vaut le coup de s'attarder, je vous dirais qu'en effet, ca vaut le détour.

Comme on pouvait l'attendre du studio Key, on va trouver un animé au scénario agréable sans être trop lourd, et bien aboutis. Pas de fin qui traine en longueur ou de série à la fin bâclée, le rythme est soutenu tout le long des épisodes et la fin est cohérente et non parachutée.

Dans les review anglophones, on cite de nombreuses références et en effet, il est difficile de ne pas retrouver de nombreuses similitudes entre les composantes de charlottes et quelques autres animés tels que Clannad par exemple. Cependant, bien qu'on retrouve la marque des auteurs et des réalisateurs, l'histoire est une histoire originale et le travail sincèrement bien réalisé, des dessins fluides et une animation réèlement belle. 

Vous vous attacherez rapidement aux personnages et particulièrement au héro dont vous suivrez avec attention l'évolution tout au long de l'histoire, vous vivrez ses états d'âmes et partagerez ces sentiments d'une façon étonnante. Mais attention, nous sommes loin du Nyan Nyan habituel, pas de harem ou autre perturbante idée simpliste, nous sommes en présence d'un animé mêlant fantastique, superpouvoirs, lycée et relationnel avec brio.

Pour finir, cet animé est une petite perle, on ne s'ennuie pas, on ne regrette pas et on ne peux qu'apprécier la prestation. Une fois de plus, je vous le conseille vivement si le synopsis correspond à vos attentes!

8/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
8/10 overall
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