Charlotte - Reviews

madebykoen's avatar
Nov 1, 2023

La historia se va poniendo interesante según avanzas, pero hay cosas que necesitan un mejor desarrollo/explicación, se desarrolla muy rápido para mi gusto, dejándome la sensación de que faltaban partes, sobre todo en el desarrollo del protagonista (tiene cambios que siento algo forzados y sin fondo, no le llevan a ningún lado porque al final el personaje se queda en el punto de inicio) y en la relación de este con uno de los personajes, está bien, pero es muy superficial. Aunque la serie da un giro interesante, podrías llegar a predecirlo. Todo el tiempo tuve la sensación de que era una serie muy superficial que le costaba llegar al fondo o se quedaba a medias a pesar de tener personajes con buenas historias y de que su trama es entretenida y digna de ver.

6.5/10 story
7/10 animation
?/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 16, 2023

"Charlotte" - A Supernatural Journey with a Few Bumps Along the Way

Story (6/10): "Charlotte" offers a unique premise within the realm of supernatural anime. The concept of adolescents gaining special powers and the subsequent responsibility that comes with it is intriguing. The story begins strong, with well-executed episodes that explore the consequences of these abilities. However, the series loses some of its momentum in the latter half, with pacing issues and plot developments that may leave viewers wanting more.

Animation (8/10): P.A. WORKS delivers on the animation front, with visually appealing character designs and smooth action sequences. The use of special abilities is well-animated and adds excitement to the show. The attention to detail in the backgrounds and overall aesthetics contributes to the series' appeal.

Sound (7/10): The soundtrack of "Charlotte" complements the story and emotions effectively. It includes memorable pieces that enhance key moments. Voice acting is strong, with the cast effectively conveying the personalities and struggles of their characters.

Characters (6/10): The characters in "Charlotte" are a mixed bag. While some are well-developed and relatable, others feel underutilized or lack depth. The protagonist, Yuu Otosaka, undergoes significant growth throughout the series, which is satisfying to witness. However, some supporting characters could have benefited from more exploration of their backgrounds and motivations.

Overall (6/10): "Charlotte" is a commendable anime with a captivating premise and strong production values. It starts off on a promising note but stumbles a bit in the latter half due to pacing and storytelling issues. Despite these setbacks, it manages to deliver engaging moments and a satisfying conclusion.

In summary, "Charlotte" is worth watching if you enjoy supernatural themes and character-driven stories. While it may not reach the heights of some other P.A. WORKS productions, it still offers a compelling narrative and memorable characters that make it a worthwhile addition to the genre.

6/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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ChocolateCloud's avatar
Jul 25, 2023

Okay I know I watched this anime really late but I'm not gonna lie I'm glad I watched it.. it was amazing you see I found about this anime 2-3 years ago but the thing is the name Charlotte just made me think it's just some day to day life kind of anime or like it was some character's name or whatever and I also tried watching the first episode and it kinda made me feel what I thought about the anime was right! It was just some day to day life anime with a boring plot... so I just dropped it there... but recently I saw it on my dropped list and so I decided to watch it since I couldn't remember the reason I dropped it in the first place.. and I had just finished watching it. It was a roller coaster of emotions like literally I had cried when Ayumi died and yuu was in depression it made me so sad and of course I had laughed a lot as well when ayumi used to put pizza sauce in everything just because it was their family secret ingredient overall I'd say it has a right amount of every emotion tho episode 13 was just straight up sad I felt so bad for yuu because he was still taking powers as he was losing memories he didn't even remember the reason he was doing it for anymore he didn't even sleep just because he didn't want to kill anyone... but the fact he kept going literally had me crying and that's why it was 10/10 the story and characters were just magnificent...

(kinda hope it gets a season 2 but I don't think it will as it was made in 2015 but who knows?)

10/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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animelist210's avatar
Oct 1, 2022

Caught me in tears at the end, I 100% recommened.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Birdy's avatar
Feb 27, 2017

No spoiler review

So about Charlotte. At first I'd say it seems like a lightweight story. Likeable, but not amazing. But it takes a while before you get to know the real story behind the anime and it's totally fine to do that, I personally love it when there is an unexpected twist, but 13 episodes is a little bit too short to fit it all in.

Some bits are a little bit out of the blue and they just deal with it like nothing happened especially the last episode. They could've made a whole other series out of that one episode, but instead they fit all of it in 20 minutes. I do like the character development. Even though they just deal with really unexpected things, you can see a slight difference in their behaviour when everything is back to kinda normal. What bothered me was that sometimes they could really get off the rails and lose all their sh*t, but two episodes later it's again like nothing has happened.

Besides all that, the story is really good and this anime got me tearing up sometimes. It has A lot of feels, but enough comedy to compensate. The characters might be a bit basic, but you'll really grow to love them.

So I would say. If you like really unexpected twists right in them feels and don't mind if it gets rushed a bit. Go for it. 

7/10 story
8/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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