Buso Renkin - Reviews

Alt title: Busou Renkin

triplestrike's avatar
Jun 16, 2011

This anime is fantastic. Okay, for those still reading lets dive into this review! There are certain patterns I see in a lot of anime's that I am sick of seeing, and I get sad when an anime falls into these patterns but somethimes they manage to break free, which makes me oh so happy.

Pattern number 1: guy accidentally wanders into a bad place, gets killed, resurrected, and then joins forces with who ever saved him.

Pattern number 2: Girl moves in with guy, que sexual tension

Pattern number 3: Give protagonist awesome powers, make each episode stand alone and have him always with with these powers

These are present in this anime but not always around. (minor spoilers) guy and girl kinda live together but aren't all weird and sexually confused, they are more concered with actually getting sh*t done. Guy does get killed and resurrected and joins forces with group that helped however each episode is not a stand alone story, when new people get introduced they are not killed off at the end of the episode they usually matter and will continue to.

*If you're only going to read one part read this part!*  Everything being taken into consideration, this anime follows some bad patterns but manages to save itself from cliche sadness. This is worth a watch! The main girl and guy characters are both great and interact great together. This anime isn't the best thing I've ever seen but it has a special place in my heart for being an action anime with touches of all sorts of other elements but never really losing track of any of them, please watch it.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
trashcan007's avatar
Dec 9, 2023

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this one but I’ll try to review it as best as I can. 

This is a slightly above average action anime with many generic anime tropes and annoying decisions made by various characters.

The plot was pretty average, but some of the side characters and fight scenes pushed it over the mediocrity hump.

The best and most memorable scene from this anime was the “Captain Bravo vs Moon face fight.” That fight alone, and the context of it, solidified this as a slightly above average anime.

Overall, a 6/10 in my book. It is a shorter one, so it’s not a terrible choice for action anime megafans.

6/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
ames's avatar
Dec 14, 2009

Decent anime, but I watched it because I was lacking in other animes to watch. The characters aren't super memorable and I felt like the powers they had were a lacking.

7/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
PhdInCartoons's avatar
Mar 5, 2013


The storyline in this anime is very typical. Without watching any episodes you could probably guess quite accurately what happens. That being said there are certain instances where it borders on good.



The animation was solid. Not good, not bad just solid. 



The music and voices were O.K., although some of the voices, for the annoying characters do not help their cause, the main antagonist in particular. Although it has to be said that is kind of what is being aimed at.



O.K., nice development in places. Some very annoying characters though. Some of those annoying characters end up with a strange amount of screen time towards the end, which does make them more annoying. The most annoying part is the protaganist who is pretty much a carbon copy of every other protaganist.



No real ‘WOW’ factor, nothing to really make it stand out in the crowd of very similar anime.  

6/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6.3/10 overall
LittleChomp's avatar
Jul 15, 2010

Anime in 200 Words: Busou Renkin

Premise: The study of alchemy led to two distinct innovations: homunculi (humans who have transformed into monsters) and busou renkin (weapons that take a unique shape based on the wielder’s energy). Alchemist warriors and homunculi battle for survival.

Motivation: Homunculi eat humans, and alchemist warriors are humans who defend those who can’t defend themselves. This is a solid save the unknowing world from danger plot.

Action: Beautiful. It really is. The sheer diversity of the busou renkin makes battles a pleasure to watch.

Romance: This subplot reminds me of the role that romance normally plays in science fiction and fantasy movies from the west: the hero is likely to fall for someone, and it’s quite possible that they’ll end up together, but mushy stuff will never supplant the action.

Characters: I can’t complain about the people in this show, even though I really don’t like some of them… *cough* Papillon *cough* Despite my disdain, even this young man is defined and consistent enough to leave a lasting impression on me, proof that characterization is well done here.

Overall: This really is well done, one of the best action shows I’ve found. Two thumbs up.

10/10 story
9.5/10 animation
9.5/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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