Boukyaku Battery: Jump Festa 2020 Special - Reviews

Macaronini's avatar
Dec 12, 2022

This definitely has great potential as a sports anime! This is an OVA special so don't walk into this thinking you would get to start a great sports series. This was created literally when the manga had a few chapters and honestly this could be a great anime in the future.

However, there is probably not going to be one so if I were you I would go check out the manga. It's still ongoing, so if you enjoyed this little episode, I'd get more content for it there. 

If there were a series for this in the future I would definitely watch it, but for now, I guess I will just read the manga.

7.2/10 story
6.5/10 animation
7/10 sound
6.2/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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