Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - Reviews

SkengLord's avatar
Nov 3, 2017

I agree with most the reviews as the story is disappointing and the characters aren't as interesting as I thought they would be. Although the students seem to be going through their learning stage as a ninja, the viewers do not need to see that as we are all too familiar with it all and more. It seems the anime is more focused on character building and introducing the relationships between the characters rather progressing the story simultaneously.

However.... The anime does not follow the story of the Manga. In fact I think the anime is set some time before the story in the Manga, as in the Manga the students are already in teams of three. Also the adults are more prominent character here and new techniques and a new ninja generation are introduced with the changing ninja world.

The anime may decide to portray the story of the manga at some point, but personally right now I much prefer the manga.

6/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
BigCuck's avatar
Jan 30, 2022

I'd rather watch paint dry.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
p1kachu277's avatar
Jan 12, 2022

naruto carries the whole show 

1/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
2/10 characters
1/10 overall
darkovl's avatar
Jul 21, 2020

I liked naruto because of the depth of the back story behind every character (itachi, sasuke, naruto), but boruto has little to no such depth behind the characters, it feels artificial and forced combine this with shitty filler that only 7 year olds enjoy, what you have is a ruined series that used to be one of the best...

2/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
1/10 characters
3/10 overall
ShinigamiKun's avatar
Jan 26, 2022

Hey! This is my very first review here :)

I really like Boruto, despite what most people say. What I really want to say is, it's easy to hate. Especially when there are lots of people who do so. And on the internet, negative comments do leave a larger impact on us than positive ones. As someone who enjoyed watching Naruto a lot, I do think Boruto is pretty good. Maybe it's because I don't watch only for the action that I don't mind filler episodes though. If you do try it and it's not your cup of tea, that's absolutely fine. I just don't want people thinking it's bad without giving it a try themselves. If you can't stand fillers then I suggest watching the non-fillers eps, it's still interesting enough imo. So give it a chance! All I ask is, please don't make other people feel like crap for being excited about something you don't like T.T.

As of now, I've caught up to the latest episode (233) but I'll keep it spoiler-free.

Story: The story starts a few years after the 4th great ninja war, after Naruto becomes hokage. We see that the villages finally have the peace they fought for. Unfortunately, there is unrest among smaller nations who aren't as privileged as the larger ones. This, along with the invasion of the Otsusuki leads to a larger problem that threatens the peace the people have. Although the story takes a while to develop, it is quite interesting (imo). It's pointless comparing it to Naruto because the times have changed and its an era of peace. Obviously, it's not going to be packed with action from the start. That being said, there are more fights as the story progresses.

Animation: I think it's pretty good, maybe better than Naruto for the action scenes. The character designs were also ok.

Sound: The soundtracks are amazing, although most of them are similar to Naruto soundtracks. The openings and endings are all catchy as well but I personally like the endings more because they feel more nostalgic (I can say the same for Naruto Shippuden).

Characters: What I like about the characters is that they're imperfect and they realize that and work on it (which, unfortunately, people don't appreciate enough, as in the case of Sakura as well). Sure, Boruto is a brat at first, but honestly? It's understandable. His dad isn't at home and he worries more about the impact it has on his mom and sister than himself. Other people say he's just like Naruto and although he does inherit his appearance and learn his famous techniques (Rasengan, Shadow clones, Talk no jutsu), he's more level headed than Naruto was at his age and he learns quickly. He may be annoying, but tbh it's realistic (because I know a lot of 12 year olds who are petty and annoying and I'm sure I was one myself). He's just a kid who still has a lot to learn and I appreciate that because it's more relatable (keep in mind he does grow and improve later on, it takes some time!).

Naruto, on the other hand, is quite busy being Hokage and does realize that he needs to spend more time with his family. He and Boruto do come to an understanding. Boruto eventually realizes he doesn't know anything about his dad and later respects him and looks out for him.

We have a lot of new characters and I think Sarada and Mitsuki are just as cool and I can't wait to see the new techniques they learn later, especially after the time-skip. As for Sasuke, he still feels the need to atone for his past and continues his journey by searching for leads about the Otsusuki. He does visit the village more often later though. Sakura also learns more about parenting and learns to have more faith in Sarada. Sarada tries to understand her dad more and doesn't resent Sasuke like she did before. (Personally, I wish we could see Hinata in action more, but if she wants to be a housewife then honestly I can respect that.) Overall, I just appreciate that they're all growing and learning because family hardships like these happen irl too.

It's kind of sad to see all the Naruto characters grown up but I'm glad the story isn't over yet. :)

8/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall