Bleach - Reviews

Darkness7764's avatar
Nov 9, 2018

This is one of the best animes around and it was the first one I ever watched .. Bleach brings back memories but besides that its a action packed and really hilarious and courageous anime

10/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
Jcidndnxod's avatar
Apr 6, 2016

why do writers kill their stories 


Bleach was one of those Anime to me that always stood out until I watched it, yes it was alright until the writers decided hey lets take our shit and throw it at the fan.all I hoped for was a good solid story that I could find some enjoyment out of but then they decided to squeeze every drop of blood from its veins and drag the series on until they ran out of ideas and just stopped it, which would be fine if they hadn't made us watch 366 episodes just to find out they couldn't find an ending even with the infinite possibilities of the zanpakuto. In my opinion bleach was great but the writers killed it.

5/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
MurrySpeer's avatar
Dec 27, 2018

There are no spoilers in this review


The only reason that I gave this a 9/10 is because of the filler episodes. Don't get me wrong here, I enjoyed the fillers and liked that they were placed in the anime. What I didn't like was when they were placed. Some of them were placed poorly and broke up an intense story line. I guess I get that it was probably as some comic relief during battle scenes. Even though, I don't think that it should have been done that way. I think that the fillers should have been placed when they happened in the story line and not randomly to break up scenes. (For example the main story line would be winter and then a filler would come up where it is summer.) If the fillers were placed as they happened in the story line and the fighting scenes weren't broken up then I would have given this a 10/10 and it would have made the series flow better. I will say that some things are left ambigious so I still have some questions, though even though this is true I still loved the ending episode.


In the begining the animation wasn't that great and a little shaky. Though bigger anime's that I have watched like this one and Naruto seem to start out like this. I don't really mind it because it gets better as the series progresses so I don't really see this as a big deal or a reason not to wacth the series. You just have to get how bad it looks sometimes and push through because it does get way better sooner rather than later.


I never had a problem with this aspect of the show, I found that it was rather consistent and had no need for changing the volume at all through episodes. 


I loved the characters. I think that the character development is great and I wouldn't have changed much of anything. Like I said earlier there was some questions that I still had at the end of the series about some characters but it is hard to cover every little thing about every character especially in an anime like this that had hundreds of characters. Even though some things were left unlclear I loved it any ways. The characters were perfect in my opinion and created very well.


I love this anime if you haven't already guessed and I would reccomend this to anyone. It has wonderful characters that I know you will love at least some of them. This show will make you smile, make you feel sad, and make you wanting more. Yes, it is long but all 366 episodes are all worth the time. 

9/10 story
9.5/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.6/10 overall
animefreak206574's avatar
Feb 7, 2015

This anime is pretty good however and it has amazing characters. It does have a pretty good plot but not as good as some other anime

7/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
8/10 overall
trashcan007's avatar
Nov 18, 2023

This is considered a classic. There are some amazing action scenes in this anime. There are also a few iconic characters and a little character development with some of the hard-shelled characters.

The main problem that I had with this anime was the drawn out nature of the plot. Immediately after the MC solves a problem, there’s a new even bigger problem that he has to resolve. 

Eventually this becomes repetitive and annoying. Here are the steps of the plot that are put on repeat. Once you’ve seen one cycle, you’ve seen the whole plot:

  1. The MC realizes he needs to up his game (get stronger)
  2. The MC trains and recovers for a time (typically gaining a new ability)
  3. The MC and others attack the foe or are attacked by the foe
  4. The MC wins
  5. A new foe/villain is revealed that will need to be taken out
  6. *Go back to step 1 and repeat the next steps in order*

Honestly, if this only occurred once or twice, I would give this a 7 or an 8/10. Unfortunately, it kept doing this time and time again. Bleach had some pretty good characters, but it didn’t have multiple deep characters, like Naruto, to keep the series interesting. 

The longer it was drawn out, the more dings it received. Dings include: convenient power ups, straight up plot holes, overly-ecchi scenes, convenient battle matchups, and certain people coming back to life. 

It is above average, but it has too many problems to deserve anything above a 6/10. I think it started out good but then turned into a cash-grab after receiving lots of popularity.

4/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall