Black Bullet - Reviews

SEGHE's avatar
Sep 16, 2023

Story: 5/10 Black Bullet presents an interesting post-apocalyptic world overrun by parasitic creatures known as Gastrea. The premise has potential, but the anime struggles to fully explore it. While it incorporates dark themes and political intrigue, it often feels rushed and fails to deliver a satisfying conclusion. The story's pacing and world-building could have been more balanced and comprehensive.

Animation: 6/10 The animation quality in Black Bullet is decent, with well-designed Gastrea creatures and fluid action sequences. The character designs are appealing, and the use of colors sets a suitable mood for the post-apocalyptic setting. However, it doesn't stand out as exceptional compared to other anime of its time.

Sound: 6/10 The sound in Black Bullet provides a suitable backdrop for the action and suspense. The opening and ending themes are catchy, and the voice acting is well-done, bringing the characters to life effectively. While it enhances the viewing experience, it doesn't leave a lasting impression.

Characters: 4/10 One of Black Bullet's weaknesses is its character development. The protagonist, Rentaro Satomi, lacks depth, and his motivations are not always clear. The supporting cast includes a mix of interesting and forgettable characters, with some feeling underutilized. The relationships and interactions between characters could have been explored more thoroughly.

Overall: 5/10 Black Bullet offers a promising post-apocalyptic world with unique creatures and dark themes, but its rushed storytelling and underdeveloped characters hold it back from reaching its full potential. While it has its moments of excitement and intrigue, it falls short of being a standout in its genre. If you're a fan of the manga, you might find the anime adaptation somewhat lacking. The overall score of 5/10 reflects its average quality in several aspects.

5/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
Gameranimedude78's avatar
Oct 19, 2015

I watched Black Bullet in English Dub and it was great, also I read the manga. Rentaro Satomi

is the best character of all. He is a hero and always saves the world. I'm worried about few

things that have happened since the season 1 finale. The first thing was what happened to

Takuto Yasuwaki and his accomplishes after the operation on stopping the big gasteria was over

because they attempt to sabtoge it so that Rentaro dies, but they failed. However, they should

be punished for that and they got Shouma to die. If Yasuwaki and his accomplishes did not

sabatoge the operation, then Shouma would be alive. Second, will Rentaro's relationship with

Kisara be good again after what she has done, because I hope the relationship between the two

will good again. I believe that Rentaro and Kisara were meant to be together, I guess Kisara

was in love with him. Third, I hope Rentaro would be able to have his real arm and real leg

back, so that he can have his full humanity back, even though he is a real human. For Rentaro's

relationship with Enju and Tina, he is a big brother to them and like a father figure to them. For

the manga, the last one ended with a cliffhanger. I believe that the story is not over yet. I know

that there are some stories that don't have a happy ending, but Black Bullet deserves a happy

ending. I do know that when the day ends, the bad guys lose.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
BeingMe's avatar
Apr 6, 2021

So... I've just finished Black Bullet and since I' wasn't expecting much about this. What really surprised me was how I got used into the story so quickly. 

Story is pretty original, funny, but still dramatic and kinda tragic in some parts. Be prepared for sudden changes and unexpected actions.

I really enjoyed watchin this show it 100% deserves a sequel. From what I've found there were rumour about 2nd season in July 2020. Well... the date is already over and we didn't notice anything. Series are not definitely canceled so we have no other choice than wait patiently what's gonna happen next.ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

8/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.9/10 overall
Blinko99's avatar
Dec 31, 2014

I feel like the story was very well thought out and orignal for me. Theres alot of team work action and a bit of comedy and I quite like that

7/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
Samantha1's avatar
Feb 13, 2019

Rare for me to write a review, but after reading so many bad reviews about black bullet I decided that I have to write one so people like me don´t get misleaded. Black bullet is one awesome anime that puts lost of effort and love in his characters. Don´t get misleaded by the opening that shows that there´s only one main guy and otherwise pretty much only girls. At first I thought it´d be one of those unnecessary and annoying harem animes and while this anime reallly does make jokes like that once in a while, it really is not one. Most of the girl characters are about 10 years old, while the main guy is 23, so no harem. 

The story is well made and has plenty of sad moments that made me shed a tear once or twice. To summarize what it is about without any spoilers: The world is destroyed by giant monsters/insects and the city the main guy lives in is surrounded by huge monoliths (as they are called), that hold the monsters away and the people that get infected also turn into such monsters (much like in kabaneri of the iron fortress). If a pregnant woman is infected by getting the virus in her blood system, the child will always turn out as a girl and those girls have strong powers. They are the cursed children and hated by humanity. This is actually the main part of the anime. Knowing they are only 10 year old girls that try to find a place in the world makes this a whole lot sader.

Anyway, for me it had everything an anime needs: Action, a bit romance, drama, sadness and wonderful and lovely characters.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall