Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastorale - Reviews

Baeron's avatar
May 18, 2019

This show is light and fluffy, but very much brain-dead.
If you like thinking, don't watch this show. Please.

The buildings are land-based designs.
There are footbridges... with stairs, and ladders. Mermaids don't have feet.
Coffee and Tea dispenses clouds of steam. Water pours inside water?... what?
Why do they need to drink? They live underwater, and the water seeps in...?

It hurts to watch.

For example, the plot of the first episode is :The storm tide blew over a chunk of coral tree, and that single, average-size tree was all that hid a massive stadium building from the people of the town... I mean literally just a few minutes prior, they had a scene where they were swimming above the town looking down on it... and had been regularly doing so for the past 10+ years. You think they would have seen a four-story building on the edge of their town from there.

Oh did I mention they have Smart Phones, but don't know what Movies are? Woo hoo, all this smarts is my brain yes? Oooh brain much yes now. I has the smarts! Oh brain not feel fuzzy-warm. Need think-think show now... uuuuuuhhh... Halp. Brain hurt. Think is no.

1/10 story
4/10 animation
4/10 sound
2/10 characters
3/10 overall