Astro Boy (1980) - Reviews

Alt title: Tetsuwan Atom (1980)

SEGHE's avatar
Sep 16, 2023

"Astro Boy (1980)" - A Timeless Classic with Heart - 8/10

Story: 8/10 "Astro Boy (1980)" is a timeless classic that continues the legacy of its predecessor while introducing a new generation to the world of Atom, or Astro Boy. The series retains the core premise of a futuristic world where robots and humans coexist, with Astro Boy, a robot with human emotions, at the center of it all. The storytelling remains engaging, offering a blend of episodic adventures and overarching narratives. While the episodic format can feel formulaic at times, it provides valuable life lessons and explores themes of morality, justice, and the human condition. The storytelling earns a solid 8 out of 10, showcasing the enduring appeal of Astro Boy's adventures.

Animation: 7/10 For its time, "Astro Boy (1980)" boasts animation that represents a significant improvement over the original series from the '60s. The animation style is more refined, with smoother movements and a broader color palette. While it may not match the visual quality of modern anime, it remains a testament to the era's technological advancements. The character designs are charming, and the action sequences are well-executed. Animation earns a respectable 7 out of 10, acknowledging its historical significance and improved visuals.

Sound: 8/10 The sound design of "Astro Boy (1980)" brings the series to life with a nostalgic yet enduring charm. The voice acting and music, while of their time, contribute to the overall enjoyment of the show. The iconic theme music and Astro Boy's voice are instantly recognizable to fans. Sound effects effectively enhance the action and emotional moments throughout the series. Despite the limitations of the era's technology, the sound elements hold a special place in the hearts of viewers. Sound receives an 8 out of 10, recognizing its ability to capture the essence of Astro Boy's world.

Characters: 8/10 The characters in "Astro Boy (1980)" maintain the timeless qualities that have made the franchise enduringly popular. Astro Boy himself is a lovable and relatable protagonist, embodying human emotions despite being a robot. Supporting characters, both human and robot, offer depth and contribute to the moral and ethical dilemmas explored in the series. While character development may not be as intricate as in contemporary anime, the characters remain endearing and continue to resonate with audiences of all ages. Characters earn an 8 out of 10, reflecting their enduring appeal and the moral lessons they impart.

Overall: 8/10 "Astro Boy (1980)" is a classic anime series that successfully carries on the legacy of its predecessor while introducing improvements and innovations. It holds a special place in the hearts of viewers, both as a nostalgic trip down memory lane and as an enduring source of inspiration. While it may not match the visual and technical standards of modern anime, it offers a heartfelt and morally grounded storytelling experience. Overall, "Astro Boy (1980)" earns a well-deserved score of 8 out of 10, reminding us of the enduring power of classic anime to touch our hearts and minds.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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reznok's avatar
Aug 16, 2014

Has a great adventure and story line to the anime. But it would of been better if it was more of a story line rather than epsidoes. Just a bit better than the 1960s version

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Tigredor's avatar
Apr 22, 2020

Decent. One of the first anime to gain mainstream attention was Astro Boy. The only problem, which is a big one, is that there is absolutely no plot at all. It almost seems like a Saturday morning cartoon more than it does an anime.

4/10 story
3/10 animation
2/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Shucurucu's avatar
May 12, 2011

Las aventuras de Astro Boy, niño-robot japonés dotado de poderes especiales 
que utilizará en su particular cruzada contra el mal. Busca la paz en una sociedad del 
futuro poblada por humanos y robots que desprecia a los de su clase. El protagonista 
es el primer robot que cuenta con una inteligencia avanzada que le permite tener 
emociones humanas. Es sensible, muy listo y tiene un gran sentido de la justicia, siempre 
apelando a la razón con sus adversarios.

Astroboy es un robot creado por el Doctor Tenma, un científico del Instituto de Ciencias del Japón, que logra crear a un robot con cuerpo de niño y sentimientos de humano. Su creación tiene vista de rayos X, super-oído, una inteligencia artificialnotable, cohetes en sus botas y brazos, y 100.000 caballos de potencia, a lo que se agrega la posibilidad de disparar contra sus enemigos con dos pequeñas armas instaladas en su trasero. Astroboy fue creado a imagen y semejanza del hijo del Doctor Tenma, el cual falleció víctima de un accidente de tránsito.

Pero Astroboy también necesita recargar sus baterías, y en estas situaciones se desarrolla la trama, incorporando personajes de su familia, persecuciones donde los malos de siempre intentarán capturar a Astroboy para desarmarlo y copiarlo, así como otras tantas cosas similares


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6/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
6/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
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