Arte - Reviews

AnimeFAN0111's avatar
Jan 9, 2021

I enjoyed this anime quite a bit. I really liked the idea of the series because I have never seen any art related anime before so it was quite intresting. And I like womens empowerment message. I really liked the way Veronica and Katerina's mom looked because I thought they looked very stunning and so did Arte and Katerina. Arte's artwork that she did was very beautiful too. Overall I enjoyed the series quite much.

7.5/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.3/10 overall
MimiCakes202's avatar
Mar 18, 2021

Honestly, I really enjoyed this anime! It was cute, fun, and entertaining to watch. It makes me wish there was/will be another season of this anime. The characters were well developed and the animation itself was beautiful. Confused on why so many people are giving it low ratings, but it's their opinion. :)

As a female artist, it always amazes me that back in the Renaissance (time peroid of the anime and in real-life), it was considered "weird" or "bad" that females wanted to become artists. Females were suppose to be housewives only, not involved with anything else outside of the world. Not to mention, females were the usually the "subject" of any type of artwork like Leonardo da Vinci's or Sandro Botticelli's, but you had to be a well-known female. Not saying that males weren't either, but it was less likely to be than females. Now I know everything in the anime isn't historically accurate. Not everything in an anime, movie, or series has to be 100% accurate. In my opinion, if everything in this anime was accurate, it wouldn't be as interesting to me as it was. It'd just be boring to watch and I don't think that's what the company who created this anime would want the result to be. 

Definetly recommending this anime to my friends though! 

7/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
Archert's avatar
Oct 17, 2020

Anime muy respetable y que con esfuerzo se hace un huequillo entre los animes del monton bueno.

Historia. La historia es simple, Italia siglo XVI, una chica que quiere ser artista se esforzará en conseguir su sueño. La forma de contar la historia es entrenida y engancha, me fué entretenido ver todos los desafios que se le iban presentando a Arte y como los iba superando. Aún asi la historia me resultó simple, sin tomar riesgos o giros que nos sorprendiera o emocionará de alguna manera, en resumen, se me quedó algo plana. La parte de romance no fue nada acertada, pues se enfoncó de una manera muy infantil y nada relevante para historia.

Animacion. Quizás esperaba más, no digo que sea mala, todo lo contrario, pero al ser un anime de "arte" espearaba una gran animación o alguna que otra escena que despuntara y me explotara la cabeza.

Sonido. Nada mal, tiene buenas melodias y creo que calzan muy bien con los momentos dados y la epoca.

Personajes. Son algo tópicos los personajes y ninguno dejará huella en nuestros recuerdos, pero creo que Arte si que tiene algo como para recordarla, quizas no sea por el personaje en si, sino por todo lo que hace para ir cumpliendo cada dia un poco más su sueño.

Entretenimiento. Como dije me resulto entretenida y disfrutable, quizas no sea la serie más emocionante del mundo pero si que logré pasarlo bien.

En resumen, buen anime, sin más. Todo lo que hace este anime es de notable pero se me queda algo plana como para una mejor valoración.

¿La recomendaría? No a todo el mundo, pero si, si te gusta el anime.

8.1/10 story
8.2/10 animation
8.1/10 sound
7.9/10 characters
8.2/10 overall
SEGHE's avatar
Sep 15, 2023

"Arte" - A Delightful Tale of Art and Ambition - 8/10

Story: 8/10 "Arte" offers a refreshing and heartwarming story set in Renaissance-era Florence, Italy. The series follows the journey of Arte, a young noblewoman who defies societal expectations to pursue her dream of becoming a professional artist. The narrative beautifully explores themes of gender equality, determination, and the pursuit of one's passions. Arte's growth as an artist and her interactions with various characters, including her mentor Leo, create a compelling and emotionally resonant storyline. While the pacing can feel slow at times, it allows for meaningful character development and a deep exploration of the art world during that era. Overall, the story is a strong point of the series, deserving of an 8 out of 10.

Animation: 7/10 The animation in "Arte" effectively captures the Renaissance aesthetic and atmosphere. The character designs are distinctive, and the backgrounds are richly detailed, immersing viewers in the period's artistic beauty. The series excels in showcasing the process of creating art, with meticulous attention to artistic techniques and materials. While the animation quality is generally good, it may not reach the visual heights of some other contemporary anime. However, this doesn't detract significantly from the overall experience. "Arte" earns an animation rating of 7 out of 10.

Sound: 7/10 Sound design in "Arte" complements the series' historical setting and artistic themes. The soundtrack features classical and Renaissance-inspired music that enhances the atmosphere and adds depth to the storytelling. Voice acting is well-executed, with characters' voices aligning well with their personalities. Sound effects during art creation sequences contribute to the immersion and provide insight into the artistic process. While not groundbreaking, the sound design succeeds in creating a fitting auditory backdrop for the series, earning a sound rating of 7 out of 10.

Characters: 8/10 The characters in "Arte" are a highlight of the series. Arte herself is a strong and determined protagonist who defies societal norms to pursue her passion for art. Her growth as an artist and as an individual is a central focus of the series and is portrayed with depth and authenticity. The supporting cast, including her mentor Leo, fellow artists, and nobility, adds layers of complexity to the narrative. Their interactions and personal journeys contribute to the overall richness of the story. "Arte" excels in creating well-rounded and relatable characters, deserving of an 8 out of 10 in this category.

Overall: 8/10 "Arte" is a delightful and thought-provoking anime that explores themes of art, ambition, and societal expectations in Renaissance-era Italy. The story is engaging and emotionally resonant, with strong character development. The animation effectively captures the historical setting and artistic process, while the sound design enhances the overall atmosphere. For those seeking a heartwarming and beautifully crafted series, "Arte" is a worthy choice, earning an overall score of 8 out of 10 in my assessment.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Jun 20, 2020

Arte would really get your spirits up during this pandemic going on right now, like we all needed to be motivated somewhat by a character who's also going through challenges as a painter. Yeah the art wasn't that outstanding honestly provides a powerful message that can should you what you love despite if others try to hold your head down! Don't watch it if you're not keen on discrimination of any kind or want the lovey dovey stuff in the background, please watch other anime if those aren't your thing!

Arte really puts a smile on my face like I know I love some characters in other anime but definitely, she is one to really look up to! Komatsu Mikako did such a phenomenal job on voicing Arte!

Definitely watch this folks if you need a boost, you won't regret it!

8/10 story
6/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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