Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest 2nd Season - Reviews

Alt title: Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season

ThatAnimeSnob's avatar
Apr 6, 2022

The first season of Arifureta was outright bad, but it also had transcended to the realm of “so bad it’s good” territory. Just like movies like The Room, it was very enjoyable to see it as schlock that unironically tries to take itself seriously and fails at every step. The second season no longer has that appeal simply because it’s not so bad anymore. It’s actually better and that makes it worse.

You might be a bit confused here, so let me explain. The horrible script and animation have improved in the second season and now they are just bad. The edgy revengeporn is gone and so is the harem building aspect. Basically, the show lost everything that made it bad and turned into a generic isekai about an overpowered bland mc and his harem fighting the demon lord and his generals. If you noticed, we humans tend to remember the very good and the very bad, while at the same time forgetting anything that is mediocre and forgettable. The second season falls in the latter kind.

Even if you see past that issue, the second season also falls victim of the development phase of any story. The first season is usually the introduction to all the main characters, while the second has the task to develop them in some sort of fashion. There is hardly much of that going on. It mostly introduced the main antagonists, the demon lord generals and the evil apostles and there were fights where even the overpowered mc had to struggle more than usual. That aside, nothing much changed and I doubt most would give a damn about seeing any of the stock characters that comprise this run of the mill set up getting some sort of character development. Whatever fun you could find in the first season was just seeing the bland mc steamrolling his enemies and gathering a bunch of paper-thin harem archetypes with edgy revenge in mind and horrible CGI fights to accompany them. Now that all that are gone, so is the hook of the whole thing. The plot was never serious, and trying to develop it would leave everyone uninterested.

In a nutshell, the second season gets a higher average score than the first, but also an even smaller recommendation from me.

4/10 story
4/10 animation
5/10 sound
4/10 characters
3/10 overall
LittleHanna's avatar
Mar 18, 2022

Story picks up where season 1 left off on the journey to get the magic items needed for the plot to go forward . Fair amount of development but slower than season 1. Animation quality has improved by at least 10-25%, approx so if you remember cgi dragon tio from season 1 , imagine that but redered at 125% this time. This season does show a bit more of the class that got isekai'd with us if you guys remember.far too many to remember so don't even. Storys taking it's time so i guess that's good build up for what's about to happen.[tryin my best not to spoil]

This is one of the Isekai class anime that i would suggest to someone since it falls close to Gate than say the generic shield guy one.As a fellow earthian i approve our Japanese tarus enjoyer who instead of beatin the same " mc spew magic mumbo jumbo and becomes a super sayan magicial in 69420 years" bush is actually competent and uses standard earthian tech like humdrumvees with Avengers and some iteration of the mk 47.

I'd suggest waiting till all episodes have aired as it's more of a binge type show and nothing you wanna wait weeks for

6.8/10 story
7.6/10 animation
6.8/10 sound
7.6/10 characters
7.6/10 overall
hakimhashira's avatar
Mar 31, 2022

this season really doesnt make sense like the bunny girl kinda annoying but still I love the end of the s2. cant wait for s3 

7/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
7/10 overall
JustSomeCreep's avatar
Apr 4, 2022

I'll go ahead and say that season 1 was not anywhere near my favorite isekai. Not generic, but also not well executed.

BUT MAN, season 2 was epic. Still, not even close to my #1 isekai, but I was blown away by the vast improvements they made. The overall story line of anti-hero versus god, the mix of technology and magic, the suspense and action, the willingness to kill characters and cause the audience a little pain, that fantastic ending song and just the dark fantasy aspects as a whole made it really easy to get into. There are flaws if you look for them, but if you just wanna go for a ride without thinking to hard about it, this ain't bad at all.

They oversell the "badass" element some, the harem portion can be goofy (not necessarily a bad thing) and the monologues have nonsensical logic at times, but I still came out the other side loving it. The best? No way. But they are heading in the right direction.

If it is anything like season 2, I want season 3. If they are able to improve even further, I NEED season 3.

10/10 story
8/10 animation
10/10 sound
6/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
IsekaiWorld's avatar
May 29, 2022

Quick notes:

6 - watchable

7 - interesting enough 

8 - good 

9 - very good

10 - epic


Harem Rivalry = fun/ny

Show of tech and power is still good enough

Still with fan service

op and not op at the same time - good thing which still shows weakness of MC

still show desperation

still borderline psychopaths

season 1 is more dramatic and exciting to watch

this was balanced of the turn of events

usual idiotic characters


Slight improvement from before 

3D is fine but should be improved

Sound: OP/ED

Catchy/Good but not epic enough


I expect more development on characters

Final Review on

Easy 7 on story overall but I'll have it more than 8/.5 after Season 1

8/10 story
7.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.6/10 overall