Angel Densetsu - Reviews

Alistoru's avatar
Dec 29, 2010

This is sadly one of those anime that would have been really great if they had finished it, instead we are left with nothing more than a teaser of what "could have been". Too bad really this had really great promise for it's time, but considering it's so old I doubt they will ever finish it now.

4/10 story
3/10 animation
4/10 sound
5/10 characters
4/10 overall
ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 5, 2024

"Angel Densetsu" is a hidden gem that many might overlook due to its somewhat dated animation and unique premise. This anime, based on the manga by Norihiro Yagi, aired as a couple of OVAs in the late '90s, centering around Seiichiro Kitano, a kind-hearted teenager with the face of a demon. Misunderstood because of his appearance, Seiichiro navigates high school life, inadvertently gaining a reputation as a terrifying delinquent while he tries to do good deeds. Here's the lowdown on this quirky classic.

The Charm:

  • Laugh-Out-Loud Humor: First off, "Angel Densetsu" is hilarious. The comedy stemming from the misunderstandings around Seiichiro's angelic nature and demonic face is gold. It's one of those shows where the joke never gets old because the reactions and situations Seiichiro finds himself in are just too perfect.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Amidst the laughs, there's a ton of heart in this series. Seiichiro genuinely wants to help people and make friends, and his earnestness in the face of constant fear and confusion from others is both endearing and commendable. You root for him to be understood and appreciated for who he is.
  • Unique Concept: The premise flips the script on the typical delinquent trope. Instead of focusing on a bad boy trying to reform, we've got the purest soul imaginable who everyone thinks is bad. It’s a refreshing take that keeps you engaged.

The Not-So-Good:

  • Animation Quality: Let's be real, the animation hasn’t aged well. It's a product of its time, and the limited OVA format means the visuals are a far cry from the polished look of more modern anime. If you're big on slick animation, adjusting your expectations is key here.
  • Short and Sweet: With only a couple of OVAs, "Angel Densetsu" feels like it's over before it really gets going. It barely scratches the surface of its source material, leaving you wanting a more fleshed-out adaptation that dives deeper into the characters and story.

Why It's Worth Your Time:

  • Unconventional Hero: Seiichiro is not your typical anime protagonist. His journey flips the narrative on appearances and assumptions, making you cheer for him all the more. It’s a refreshing change from the overpowered or overly angsty heroes we often see.
  • Nostalgic Vibes: There's something about the rough-around-the-edges look and feel of "Angel Densetsu" that's nostalgic. It harkens back to a simpler time in anime storytelling, focusing on a solid gag and heartwarming message without the need for flashy effects.
  • It’s Just Fun: At the end of the day, "Angel Densetsu" is a lot of fun. It’s a quick watch that’ll leave you with a smile, proving that sometimes, all you need for a good story is a solid concept and a lot of heart.

Overall: "Angel Densetsu" might not win any awards for its animation quality or depth, but it’s a charming, funny, and surprisingly sweet series that proves looks can be deceiving. If you’re in the mood for a feel-good story with plenty of laughs and a protagonist you can't help but root for, despite (or because of) his terrifying visage, give this one a shot. Just remember, it's a brief ride, so enjoy the quirkiness while it lasts!

6/10 story
5/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 15, 2023

"Angel Densetsu" - A Quirky Tale of Misunderstandings - 6/10

Story: 6/10 "Angel Densetsu" centers around the life of Seiichirou Kitano, a high school student who bears an uncanny resemblance to a delinquent despite his kind-hearted nature. The story explores the comedic and dramatic misunderstandings that arise due to Kitano's appearance, as well as his interactions with his classmates and others. While the premise offers a unique twist on the high school comedy genre, it relies heavily on the recurring gag of mistaken identity. This can make the narrative feel repetitive at times, though it does provide occasional moments of heartwarming character growth. It earns a story rating of 6 out of 10.

Animation: 5/10 The animation in "Angel Densetsu" reflects the style of its era, with character designs and visual aesthetics that may appear dated to modern viewers. While it effectively conveys the characters' emotions and comedic expressions, it lacks the polish and fluidity of more contemporary anime. The animation quality remains consistent throughout the series, but it may not stand out as a particularly strong aspect. It receives an animation rating of 5 out of 10.

Sound: 6/10 The sound design in "Angel Densetsu" complements the comedic and dramatic moments of the series. The background music and sound effects effectively enhance the mood, particularly during comedic scenes. However, the soundtrack may not feature particularly memorable tracks that leave a lasting impression. Voice acting is proficient, with characters' voices suiting their personalities. While the sound quality meets the standards of its time, it doesn't significantly elevate the viewing experience. It deserves a sound rating of 6 out of 10.

Characters: 7/10 The characters in "Angel Densetsu" are the driving force behind its humor and heart. Seiichirou Kitano's contrast between his intimidating appearance and gentle nature provides the central comedic element. The series introduces a range of classmates and characters who contribute to the misunderstandings and character growth. While some character development occurs, the episodic nature of the series limits the depth of exploration for supporting characters. Nonetheless, the character dynamics and interactions are engaging and contribute to the series' charm. The characters receive a rating of 7 out of 10.

Overall: 6/10 In summary, "Angel Densetsu" offers a quirky and comedic take on the high school genre, centered around the theme of mistaken identity. While it can feel repetitive due to its reliance on this recurring gag, it manages to provide moments of humor and character growth that make it enjoyable. The animation style reflects its era, and the sound design complements the mood effectively. If you appreciate comedic series with unique premises and don't mind the older animation style, "Angel Densetsu" is worth considering. With its mix of humor and heart, it earns an overall score of 6 out of 10 in my assessment.

6/10 story
5/10 animation
6/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
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illSmith's avatar
Feb 13, 2020

I guess this was supposed to be a 40+mins ad for the manga and it worked,these 2 episodes really made me want to read it.The anime starts by introducing us to the creepy looking main character Kitano who despite his devilish look has the purest heart ever.We then go through his daily comedic yet sad adventures of being misunderstood and falling into trouble while having the heart of an angel,even if it's for a short period it still made me love the story and got me emotionally invested.It's too bad the manga didn't get a newer adaptation because these 2 episodes already show a lot of potential,more stories to be told and more characters to be developed

9/10 story
5/10 animation
7/10 sound
10/10 characters
8/10 overall
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tigian's avatar
Oct 12, 2020

One of the gratest stories but unfortunately someone decided to do just two half-assed episodes, it ends in a mix of a promotional video for the manga and a sudden cancellation.
 the original story certainly deserved the animation in this 2 episodes everything just happens so fast that it seems rushed. on the technical part taking into account the year it was made it isn't that bad.

5/10 story
5/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
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