Akame ga Kill! - Reviews

wwls's avatar
Jan 15, 2023

I like animes with fight scenes but other than the fact someone(s) died every episode and I barely understood the plot it was alright and everything was badass so wtv 

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
6/10 characters
10/10 overall
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ellinceX's avatar
Nov 13, 2022

Bueno la primera impresión es como q lo veo por compromiso pero tenia espectativas altas de este anime pero en si tampoco es q no me gusto pero como dije las perspectiva q tenia sobre este anime fue alta pero ya llegando al cap 10 o mas creo ya me desiluciono un poco en forma de audiencia diria q lo vean si no tiene nada q ver .

8/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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vietnamesecoffee's avatar
Oct 20, 2022

I found this anime very intriguing, but I really hate how everyone dies. It's. Not. Fair.

I understand how all of these reviews are found to be dissing the anime, but they do not yet understand the beauty of people dying happy. Everyone dies, that life I'm sorry

7/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
8.5/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Kyerstorm's avatar
May 18, 2021

Although I understand y people don't like they do fail to understand y this is so good.

one of the main things to put out there is that the entire point of this is for self-sacrifice and personally I think this was done swiftly but very efficiently...it focuses more on the main characters emotional attachment and questioning his sanity rather than the actual world and I think it was done perfectly, however, I do understand the people complain about the bland plot I don't think its needs a perfect plot because that is not the focus of the anime.

People will complain about everyone dying but i think that what the majority of anime fans fail to realize is that how this anime ends is realistic rather than a dumb cliche on how everyone survives by the skin of their teeth 

this is amongst the best of the animes that have a "bad" ending.

9/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Lewahoy's avatar
Sep 27, 2021

I already started watching it having in mind that it would be a good anime, but even so it was much better than I thought it would be. With each episode that passed I was more and more curious about what was going to happen, not to mention the huge amount of good characters that this anime has. Even so, there are things that happened that I think shouldn't have happened for the sake of the anime's history and that ended up disappointing me a lot, besides there were things that should have happened that didn't happen.
A positive point is that the fights that they have in the anime are very good to watch, besides being really cool the powers of each weapon that the characters have.

8.8/10 story
8.8/10 animation
8.5/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.1/10 overall
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