Aharen-san wa Hakarenai - Reviews

AustinDR's avatar
May 14, 2022

Aharen-san is Indecipherable is a cute comedy series I have been watching. It's one of those shows where you have a girl who has some noticeable quirk whether it's an inability to speak/communicate or being typically shy. 

In this one, the series revolves around Raidou, a tall young man who suffers from RBF which is a shame due to him actually being a pretty nice guy. When he arrives at high school on his first day, he resolves to make friends starting with a small girl sitting across from him. 

However, whatever attempt he makes to get this girl to talk with him falls flat but he is not deterred. After giving her eraser back when she dropped it during class, the girl, Reina Aharen, takes that to mean that he was now her best friend and becomes closer to him.

It's a cute series that does not have an overarching story, but it is still enjoyable because I love seeing Raidou interact with Aharen and trying to figure out what is on her mind. 

Really, the comedy comes from his consistent wild mass guessing on what Aharen is thinking at the moment coming to ridiculous conclusions like her being an assassin or adopting the punkster lifestyle. 

The characters are overall lovable except for one. Raidou is a nice guy and despite his appearance, he really does care about Aharen showed whenever he assumed that she was making a big decision and, instead of deterring her from it, he instead vows to assist, oftentimes imagining himself becoming a big star alongside her. When he first met her, he goes as far as to gather several materials just to communicate with her.

Aharen is simply adorable, reminding me a lot of Kanna. She would appear "distant" at first, but it's really because she doesn't want to impose on others which would make them put off as a result. Her interactions with Raidou are adorable. It's just so cute how she clings to his arm whenever they are walking together. It's like a little cat clutching its owner's leg to keep its owner from leaving. 

That being said, what makes the show dip in quality is Aharen's childhood friend Mitsuki. It called back to how I never attempted to watch Working!! because of Mahiru Inami's constant urge to punch any male that comes across her. Nothing about that was funny in the slightest instead being more annoying. 

Much like Mahiru, Mitsuki is initially scared of Raidou which is...understandable. However, what she does next is just disturbing; she stalks him everywhere he went, yes, even including the restroom because she thought that he was antagonizing Aharen. 

Except she's even worse. She cries a lot, and she continued to antagonize Raidou even when Aharen cleared things up even one time admitting that she was tempted to shave Raidou bald just because she was jealous of him. How is any of that funny? This character is just annoying and I personally feel the show would have been better without this character.

Animation quality is good and polished. Voice work is also done well. 

7/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8.5/10 characters
8/10 overall
YukinaZero's avatar
May 3, 2023

It didn't make me laugh, but i did smile a lot. It was super sweet, and the gags are pretty outragous, which was fun.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
6.9/10 overall
kurokam1's avatar
Jun 18, 2022

A simple and effective cute comedy is reallly all it is.

story: a diminutive female with awful communication skills meets the average joe they hit it off and do relatively mundane things. while the premise and plot are basic, Aharen and Raido are so fun that its difficult to be bored while watching. it never overstretches its boundaries to get too sappy or serious it plays the hand its dealt and its played well

animation: its a small studio from what im guessing so i cant knock the animation heavily. their is some CGI thrown in i think unnecessarily but again not rlly important 

sound: good voice acting servicable music

characters: despite the premise being relatively bland the characters keep it fun. Raidou and Aharens antics are just so silly they just do random slice of life things, the running gags never feel stiff or annoying and they pretty much just do whatever and its interesting. Side characters all contribute without being in the way of the romance which is always nice

solid watch i am on my hands and knees waitin for a second season

8/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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JustMonika33's avatar
Jan 5, 2023

One of the funniest and cutest shows of 2022 and definitely in my top 10. You eat puppies and kitties for snacks if dislike it. Reina Aharen is perfection. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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MikuSingTequila's avatar
Nov 24, 2023

really cute story. love the super dry, absurd style of humour. some amazing queer representation with the gender non-conforming little sibling and the lesbian childhood friend characters.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
?/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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