07-Ghost - Reviews

fernandasummers's avatar
Dec 10, 2014

Eu gostei bastante do enredo. Já havia assistido a animes que abordam assuntos sobre religião e Deus e este me surpreendeu bastante pela originalidade. Algumas coisas no começo são super confusas, mas ao decorrer dos episódios você pega o rumo e vai embora. A principio algumas coisas me confundiram bastante porque como o anime é Shounen-Ai (como diz em vários lugares), há coisas que dá para se confundir como yaoi. Mas este anime não é yaoi. Shounen-Ai é quando há relações fortes entre homens que poder ser ou não amorosas, mas nunca explícitas como no yaoi. Geralmente é amizade fortíssima entre garotos, como é o caso do Teito e Mikage, uma amizade que continuou até depois da morte. Por ser shounen-ai, acabei me envolvendo muito com este anime porque amo yaoi e procurava muito indicios de romance principalmente entre o Teito e o bispo Frau (o que é sem noção, já que é um bispo e tals). O anime foi perfeito do começo ao fim, por isso arrisco uma nota 10. Me decepcionou apenas o fato de que não tenha terminado, dando brecha como sempre, para uma segunda temporada. Andei até pesquisando mas não achei nada que desse indícios concretos de que uma segunda temporada estivesse a caminho, para nossa tristeza. Amei demais esse anime espero em breve poder assistir de novo para pegar detalhes que sempre passam despercebidos. Muito bom, recomendo.

Veja aqui.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
Spartan572's avatar
Jun 27, 2010

07 Ghost is a solid anime with a very good character design and a good soundtrack.  The storyline is not the best I saw but it's solid and you want to know what happen next.

This is a really good anime for new or old anime fan...

8/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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KN155's avatar
Jan 8, 2020

i am impatiently waiting for another seasons as manga is proceeding very well.plot is so good !

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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closetanimefan's avatar
Jan 26, 2014

Over all I really liked this anime. The animation itself was very good, each character had their own look, and there was attention given to backround details that helped encourge the feel of another world. The characters were lovable (even if they were a little flat.) All supporting character's had one or two defining characteristics, and didn't really change much throughout the show. Character development seemed to focus on the main character who worked to fingure how he wanted to live his life. The story was well paced, but a little predicable. There wasn't anything in it that really shocked me. It revolves around both internal and exteral struggles that were pretty interesting. Some of the powers and driving forces of the plot were left unexplained, which leaves me wondering (and hoping) if there will be a sequel. But what really led to me giving an eight out of ten wasn't really the plot, characters, or the animation, it was the feel of this anime. It made me smile and cry and laugh, sometimes at the same time. It tugged at my heartstrings more then an anime with a predicatble plot and unchanging characters should have. That's what mades it worth watching.

6/10 story
10/10 animation
?/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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BlueKat12's avatar
Jul 21, 2012

When I finished this show I was ANGRY. Why? That would be because it was over(thats the reason why i give it a 8/10 in story) If they make a season 2(which i heard they will) i will come back and edit this based on how season 2 goes. The characters were awesome and the pink fluffy dragon(i'm not going to say his name because that would be spoilers) had me waiting for his next appearance because he was so dang CUTE! ~<3 thats all i pretty much have to say about this anime, can't wait to see if they make season two!

8/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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