xXDarkVikingXx's avatar


  • Germany
  • Joined Feb 23, 2016
  • 24 / M

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Misunderstoodshadow Aug 11, 2017

Just started following you! We like a lot of the same anime, so I look forward to your list!

Sianeka Apr 13, 2017

xXDarkVikingXx says... Wow, you take the time to respond to my short text with a text five times longer and I notice this 4 month later....  I'm really sorry about that. This site would need direct message or at least notifications^^


Not a problem!  Seriously - no worries. There ARE no deadlines for responses, so reply back when you can, when you want, and don't worry overmuch if it's late!  True, I'd rather hear from you sooner than later so we can continue to converse, but no penalties if you just can't get back to me right away!!!


It's great to hear from you again. *smile*  The site actually has a notifications system you can utilize.  You can get email notifications when you get comments. To turn this on, just click on your User name at the top right and click on edit profile link from the dropdown menu.  On profile edit page top there are 4 tabs - click on the Privacy & Notifications tab, then choose Yes in the box in the Email section.


xXDarkVikingXx says... I didn't make any bigger advances in my japanese as my exams kept me busier than expected. So I'm still learning Hiragana and Katakana here and there. Currently I'm busy with my final exam and my drivers license, so I guess this will have to wait some more....


Life does that to folks!  We make all these plans, then Life comes along doing her thing and messing them all up...I wish you luck with your exams and with getting your license. Gambatte!


xXDarkVikingXx says... Planning to work a year abroad after I finished my basic part of university, but who knows if my japanese will be good enough by then^^ at least I speak decent english, or so I hope?


Your English skills seem great to me!!  I can't tell from reading it's not your native tongue!  Seriously, how long have you studied to be this good?


xXDarkVikingXx says... Anyway, currently I have holidays (tho they're actually prep time to be precise xD) so maybe I can get something done xD


I encourage you to accomplish your goals, so work a bit while enjoying your holiday time.  And till we next speak, have a great anime day!

maochenxi Nov 18, 2016

Hello! I hope you have been enjoying your time on A-P!

Sianeka Nov 14, 2016

xXDarkVikingXx says...  Hey,   reading your profile, I wondered. How do you teach yourself japanese? Because what you wrote sounded a lot like me, except I neither found time nor a good method yet. Getting a teacher is kinda hard (and expensive), at least here. So how do you do it?^^


Sadly, I'm not as proactive as I need to be these days to really learn Japanese - it takes dedication and discipline to work on it every day.  Have you started learning yet?  How far along are you?  If you are just starting, I'd recommend learning the syllabaries first.  Teach yourself hiragana and katakana to start.  *smile*


I have lots of resources to recommend for all stages of the learning process.  Let me know where you are so far and I can make some suggestions.


xXDarkVikingXx says...  Also nice idea founding that welcoming comittee!


Why, thank you!  Such nice words!  It sounds as if you support what WECO does (welcoming new members).  So, I am adding you as a WECO Supporter, and I thank you much!!! (Supporters are important members of the group. Their endorsement really benefits WECO by boosting morale, and by helping to increase WECO’s reputation and visibility on the site!)  If you ever want to be more involved, just let me know and I can help you take a more active part in the group, but nothing more is required.  While I love the WECO's Greeters, who do the welcomes and who are very special people, endorsements are also very cool and we love our Supporters.  Nothing more is needed. No obligations. If that is the role that is best for you, I thank you very much for your support!  (If you -are- interested in doing welcomes on a regular basis and actually greeting new members as part of the group, just get back to me to let me know and I can send info about becoming a Greeter. I'd love it if you have time to participate at that level, as a Greeter! But no pressure - if you wish to remain a Supporter and not a Greeter, that is totally fine! *smile*)


(If you want, feel free to use a WECO banner in your forum signature or on your profile page. They are here, if you want one, but no obligation to use one if you don't wish to.  If you participate in the Forum, you might also consider hitting the “like” button for the group’s Forum thread here.  That would also help a lot!)

Sianeka Nov 9, 2016

Thank you! Am now following you! Keep in touch and leave me a comment on my profile page any time - I'd love to hear from you!