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Love Hina

Apr 20, 2011

A well written story and very enjoyable. I especially loved the mix of characters, almost every girl can relate to one of the characters making it so fun to watch and laugh about saying 'thats me!'. I like how the world is so realistic aswell, making it a tiny bit more believable (especially the fight for uni places!) I especially enjoy the special episodes like the dream when theyre all in a game and the festive ones (the scary one was scary too..creepy) Overall I found it hilarious, interesting and exciting :) it hooks you in straight away, a must watch.

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9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall

Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror

Oct 7, 2010

Genuinely creepy and entertaining. A very beautiful anime with interesting stories and themes, I especially anjoyed the story of the forgotten gods and Oiwa. I find the last one lost its touch a tiny wenie bit with the comdy bits put in, but still was very entertaining, I would recommend it to anyone. Lovin itThumbs up!

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9.5/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall

Death Note

Sep 28, 2010

WOW, thats all I have to say, the characters are amazing, storys even better, I especially find it interesting how the main character, the one your supporting, turns out to be the evil one, you know you want L is right, but you still support Light aswell deepdown because he's the one you follow from the start. I think its really well thought out with twists and turns, the mystery that we all know the answer to, and the ultimate question its based around, the death penalty,  it makes you wonder what you would do with such a power. Truely brilliant, the characters are so smart and sneaky you never know... See full review

10/10 story
9.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9.9/10 overall

Peach Girl

Sep 28, 2010

A very 'spunky' programme with plenty of pazzaz, Momo is very powerful, wonderfully inspirational and loveable, I love how you learn to feel srry for her friend, even if she was a bully, you learn she really does have a heart, deep down.THUMBS UP

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9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall

Fruits Basket

Sep 28, 2010

Another brilliant anime AND manga, beautiful and imaginative storyline, the characters all have these connections making it so wonderful to watch, the romance between the characters and the pure emotion behind them makes it a delight. The humor is wonderful, the characters are inspiring especially Tohru who manages to put a brave face on everything, and I lov how Kyo and Yuki learn to put there feelings for each other aside and to just help Tohru through the difficult times. THUMBS UP!!!

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9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall


Sep 28, 2010

A wonderful manga and anime, truelly inspireing, the characters are all unique and the story is incredibly imaginative, it must be after all for lasting so long. The twists and turns mixed in with fights and emotional conflicts, this is much more than fighting and much more han love stories, this is real drama, unrealistic world but with realistic characters, I don't know how to describe how amazing this is THUMBS UP!!If anything is wrong with it, Im afraid it has to be FILLER EPISODES

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9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall

Vampire Knight

Sep 28, 2010

I know my overally rating was low compared to other scores I gave, and I think this is with good reason. I really don't know where to start with this, so here I go.The basic idea was good, a school wih the vampire night class was good idea, this for me gave high expectations, which this however didn't come close to, I kept getting frustrated about little things, like how Zero would bite Yuki, drink her blood, yet she physically didn't respond at all, if someone drank the amount f blood he did, you would at least feel dizzy after, but its like sshe didnt notice and off shed go skipping along dripping blood... See full review

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
5/10 overall