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  • Boulder, CO
  • Joined Nov 27, 2004
  • 38 / M

Uninhabited Planet Survive

Dec 30, 2004

The storyline is undeniably the weakest part of Uninhabited Planet Survive, and is the main contributing factor for why the show never quite seems to break mediocrity. There were numerous points at which the anime looked like it was improving, but the formulaic and predictable plot would always kick in and prevent this from actually happening. One of the major problems lies with the basic premise. At its heart, there are really only two major ways to execute a shipwrecked-on-random-piece-of-rock storyline like this one: a Lord of the... See full review

4/10 story
5.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
8.5/10 characters
5.5/10 overall