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  • Joined Jan 25, 2011
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Nov 23, 2012

Masterpiece. Must watch the series first. The end of the show was a bit confusing. The movie is a bit confusing as well and creates new questions but it answers many bigger questions. This makes really wants you to look at yourself and think HARD. Thank Jebus for that! If you've seen the show, it is pretty much a better and more thought out ending. I essentially consider this a part of the show, not a standalone movie thingy. Keep that is mind and enjoy!

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9/10 story
8.4/10 animation
8.7/10 sound
8.7/10 characters
9.5/10 overall

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Nov 23, 2012

The real quality that makes this anime an instant favorite of mine is the way in which it asks questions; questions about trust, questions about who we are, questions about what made us the way we are. These questions are not something most shows push for. The anime starts out pretty slow and the English voice acting may be bad but somehow becomes more comfortable in time. The animation is a little dated but still surprisingly good in some parts (especially later on). The music is soft, lots of piano and violins. Later in the series classical music is incorporated and it is a gloriously majestic... See full review

9/10 story
8.3/10 animation
8.8/10 sound
8.7/10 characters
9.5/10 overall

Nabari no Ou

Jan 26, 2012

Story=ninja's except it's not terrible and chilidish and isn't afraid to have people die. Enough said. I really liked the style of animation this show incorperates. If you pay attention to the backgrounds you'll understand what I mean, some look like still frames of painting, very pretty. Besides that The animtion looks really good and so does the combat, no crappy suspended pictures, the fights actually look like fights and not still shots of special moves. I really really like the intro and outro. The music for the credits was mighty. I watched this in english (on netflix) therefore my... See full review

8.4/10 story
8.9/10 animation
8.7/10 sound
8.9/10 characters
8.9/10 overall

Ninja Nonsense

Jun 1, 2011

Delightful. Story: Practically zero story, this is a comedy, you don't watch it for the story. Animation: No blatent flaws, anime always uses the it to its strengths for wacky funny reasons. Sound: I can still hear the menu screen bouncing around in my head. Pretty neat, nothing much past that in terms of music design, however the sounds are always spot on. Characters: They are the real Comedy. They always work off of each other and use one another for jokes, this works really well. Overall: Its Delightful plain and simple. A good o'l wacky anime filled with some cute moments and comedy to... See full review

2/10 story
8/10 animation
7.8/10 sound
8.9/10 characters
8.4/10 overall

Nyan Koi!

May 31, 2011

Story: Girls want guy, guy wants girl that is clueless, guy is cursed by cats and can hear them speak. Take the typical harem formula and add cats is basically it. Animation: Legit. Adorable cats, some sweet effects, expressions always spot on, comical style is done super well and highlights what is necessary. Sound: I really like the intro, not only the sound but also the actual happenings. The outro is better than most too but isn't as glorious. (Sidenote, amazing amv called never wanted to dance, worth watching) Characters: Sometimes annoying, usually not so. Not very original but not too close to... See full review

8.3/10 story
9/10 animation
8.6/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.5/10 overall