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  • Lithuania
  • Joined Sep 10, 2009
  • 30 / M

In these anime, characters embark on a journey to explore the world or to search for something. These wanderers travel to many places and meet new people, often encountering hardships along the way, or discovering strengths and weaknesses about themselves that are revealed throughout the adventure.

Mystery anime focus on unresolved questions, and the efforts of characters to discover the answers to them. Whether curious and deadly events are afoot, or some part of the world itself is strange or inexplicable, or someone's past or identity seems strangely shrouded, these characters are set on learning the truth.

Shounen (少年), translated as "young boy", is a demographic aimed at boys and young men, from elementary school age to around the age of 15. Shounen is the counterpart of Shoujo, a demographic aimed at teenage girls.