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  • Poland
  • Joined Dec 30, 2013
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Fantasy anime take place in a broad range of settings influenced by mythologies, legends, or popular and defining works of the genre such as The Lord of the Rings. They are generally characterized by a low level of technological development, though fantasy stories can just as easily take place in our modern world, or in a Post-apocalyptic society where technology was buried alongside the old world. These anime also tend to feature magic or other extraordinary abilities, strange or mysterious creatures, or humanoid races which coexist with humanity or inhabit their own lands removed from ours.

Horror anime create an atmosphere of unease. Like Mystery anime, they encourage viewers to learn more about their world... but there may be secrets that are better left unexplored. Through eerie music and sounds, visceral or disturbing imagery, or startling moments, works of Horror make you worry about what gruesome thing is coming next.

Shounen (少年), translated as "young boy", is a demographic aimed at boys and young men, from elementary school age to around the age of 15. Shounen is the counterpart of Shoujo, a demographic aimed at teenage girls.