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  • Durquba, Calradia
  • Joined Apr 28, 2011
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Sir Canary is a vassal of King Harlaus of Kingdom of Swadia. He is the lord of Tulga, Yalen, Ichamur, Durquba, Maras Castle, Reindi Castle, Vyincourd Castle, Knudarr Castle and Uhhun Castle.

Sir Canary was born years ago, in a land far away. His father was an impoverished noble. He came into the world a son of declining nobility, owning only the house in wich they lived. However, despite his family's hardships, they afforded Sir Canary a good education and trained him from child hood for the rigors of aristocracy and life at court.

Sir Canary started to learn about the world as soon as he could walk and talk. Sir Canary spent his early life as a page at a nobleman's court.

As a boy growing out of childhood, Sir Canary were sent to live in the court of one of the nobles of the land. There, Sir Canary's first lessons were in humility, as he waited upon the lords and ladies of the household. But from their chess games, their gossip, even the poetry of great deeds and cortly love, Sir Canary quickly began to learn about the adult world of conflict and competition. Sir Canary also learned from the rough games oh the other children, who battered at each other with sticks in imitation of their elders' swords.

Then, as a young adult, life changed as it always does. Sir Canary became a squire.

Thought the distinction felt sudden to Sir Canary, somewhere along the way he had become a man, and the whole world seemed to change around him. When Sir Canary were named squire to a noble at court, he practiced long hours with weapons, learning how to deal out hard knocks and how to take them, too. Sir Canary were instructed in his obligations to his lord. But in addition to learning the chivalric ideal, Sir Canary also learned about the less uplifting side -- old warriors' stories of ruthless power politics, of betrayals and usurpations, of men who used guile as well as valor to achieve their aims.

But soon everything changed and Sir Canary decided to strike out on his own as an adventurer. Only Sir Canary know exactly what caused him to give up his old life and become an adventurer. Whether he yearned some faraway place or merely for open road and the freedom to travel, Sir Canary could no longer bear to stay in the same place. He simply went and never looked back...

Life on anime

  • 19 Minutes
  • 18 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 4 Weeks
  • 2 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

69 total


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