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  • Rochester NY
  • Joined May 21, 2007
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Hikaru no Go

Oct 13, 2009

I should start by saying that I don't know how to play Go.  It really was not necessary for the story.

The story flow was rather jolting.  In the first chapter we are introduced to the ghost of a champion Go player which serves as a plot device for most of the series, but then is abruptly removed, which, while it made sense to do, should have been done much earlier on if it was intended in the original outline.

The ending (sorry for the spoiler) was also rather sudden, and for a while I thought that I was just missing the last chapter.  The way it ended seemed to be at the beginning of a pretty significant arc, which I found to be frustrating.

The characters were well drawn, and while I had no interest in Go, I had no problem following along with the story.  It was enjoyable and diverting.

In summation, this series is a good read, but try not to get mad when you get to the "end".

7/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Shiropan Jan 26, 2010

Hikaru no go is definetly a great manga/anime to read or watch ...

But truly the ending was ... a begging? or so it seemed , and sai ? where did he go ... served his purpose ??? no way i mean after sai left it wasnt as good as before..._________CHIBIGAMER HOPES TO READ MORE OF HIKARU NO GO ... SOMEDAY!