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  • Michigan
  • Joined May 26, 2009
  • 30 / M

The Secret World of Arrietty

Feb 27, 2012

When I first saw the poster for this movie in the lobby of my local movie theatre, I was excited to see another Studio Ghilbi film. I went and saw the movie while I was home on Spring Break, and I was not dissapointed at all by The Secret World of Arriety. -Story- I found that the story was quite interesting and for the most part it was able to keep my attention. The main plot is about this boy named Sho (Sean in the English dub), who is very sickly, so he goes out to the country to his mother's old house to get some rest before he has his surgery. Meanwhile there is a family of Borrowers living... See full review

7/10 story
10/10 animation
?/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall

True Love Story: Summer days, and yet...

Jul 24, 2011

-Story- The story of True Love Story centers around a regular guy named Yuuta, and a girl who has a crush on him. The overall story is really weak, with no redeeming qualities. The dialogue was terrible, the story was not that original, and everything just seems like the story was half-assed. Most of the story is driven by Yuuta's sister dragging him places to meet girls that she knows, and even that is boring. It is not something that is pleasurable to watch. There was nothing that made me interested in the story at all. This show tries to be a harem show without having the proper time requirements to... See full review

3/10 story
1/10 animation
?/10 sound
1/10 characters
1.5/10 overall

Tokyo Godfathers

May 19, 2010

-Story-Tokyo Godfathers has a very touching story as the main characters go out of their way in an attempt to reunite an abandoned baby to its mother. Throughout the film, we get to learn about the past of all of the main characters, and what happened to them that caused them to be homeless. There are several very touching moments in the movie and there where also some parts that made me laugh. This tale is littered with touching moments and miraculous occurances. The story was very good. Some parts of it where slightly predictable and there where a few cliches, but other than that it was a very good... See full review

7.5/10 story
8/10 animation
?/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall

Training with Hinako

Apr 26, 2010

-Story-Even though I cannot give my usual complaint of the fanservice getting in the way of the plot, which I cannot because the fanservice is the plot. But beyond the fanservice as the only thing that gives Training with Hinako a reason to exist, it was extremely boring. I could not believe how boring it was. It was more boring than the "In to the West" unit I had in my A.P. American History class, and believe me that was really boring. I find excersise boring to begin with, what makes them think that it is going to be any more entertaining watching some faceless female character with large boobs... See full review

0.5/10 story
4/10 animation
?/10 sound
2.5/10 characters
1/10 overall

The Sky Crawlers

Mar 21, 2010

-Story- The Story in The Sky Crawlers is a complex one, and it can be hard to follow at times, but thats what makes it a good story. It explores some of the deepest parts of the human experience, and it makes you think. The concept itself is preey good too, and the idea of corperate warfare seems like it could actually happen one day. The Kildren provide a decent perspective of the human experience, so that we can explore it from a whole new light. However, If you are into lots of action, then this is not the movie for you. This movie will bore people who demand constant action. The Sky Crawlers has a lot... See full review

9/10 story
7.5/10 animation
?/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall