darkerthanbl4ck's avatar


  • Bulgaria
  • Joined Dec 25, 2012
  • 29 / M

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Chuckles123 Mar 4, 2013

Ahaha Yeah, Got use to all the people around me T_T Took a while :P and Sorry for late reply man, Been busy with Reading a bunch of Novel's and school LOL. 

Valentine's was boring maaaan HAHA , how about you?

Been on Omegle lately? :P

Chuckles123 Feb 5, 2013

Ehh, It was so and so, -___- this councillor got me mad ! LOL! She basically forced me into classes I did not want to take and they were options! I was like "Well if it's optional then why should I take it? I have enough credits for at least a 2 spares!" and she did not listen and now I have a full schedule T__T .

But Having Math and Graphics is awesome! :)

Even above all that Im still kinda nervous for tomorrow o.o ... like it's the second day of school lol, Im so shyy! Aha. 

Yeeeah, you should =o Im really weak when it comes to Scary things =3 I was basically hiding behind my knee's and popcorn in the theatres LOL. and I screeamed a few times o.o and I did not get a look at "Mama" till like the ending of the movie that's how scared I was xD . 

Bwahaahahha! . So how's it gooooin'? :)

Chuckles123 Jan 27, 2013

Aha, Yep Can agree with you on that :) 

Sorry to hear about that, hope life goes well for you in the future and as well for the new year :) .

Things are getting kinda better for me, going back to school on February 1st. Hopefully try to keep up with my sponsorship this time, need the money, gonna save up and leave this town in a couple of years.

So how ya' been? ^^

Oh yeah, a week ago me and my bestfriend went to see this movie "Mama" it was so scary! but dude the ending made me cry xD It was so touching and sad ... but it was a good movie xD 

Chuckles123 Jan 9, 2013

Hello.... Sorry for the late reply . Hahaha.

Yeeeah, thanks I'll try not to let this depression get too much of me ^_^ Ill Try!

So How have you been lately?

Chuckles123 Jan 2, 2013

Ahahaha , Sorry for late reply dude! 

Yeeeah Ill give you a list later when I gather some anime's up :)

So how was your new years?

Mine was so and so, depressing, things came up and  stuff ... Lost someone on New Years Even 3 years ago and now I lost someone on New Years Day ... Who knew my life would get any harder than it already is? 

I got one month until the second semester starts, Im starting to get second thoughts about going this semester T__T . I think I might as well find a job or something until next year or something like that, But then again I really want to gooto school but all this stuff is holding me back .. haha .

So how are things going for you so far?