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  • Dorset, UK
  • Joined Jan 15, 2009
  • 35 / F

The Dark Myth

Apr 13, 2010

Since no one has said anything about Dark Myth yet, I feel obliged to warn potential viewers not to go into this with high expectations. Or any expectations. Or sober.StoryTo begin with the story... hmm, the story... see, I was unfortunate enough to pick up the English dub of Dark Myth and all I can say is that the story became utterly indiscernible thanks to some poorly-crafted dialogue. Characters incoherently rush their explanations of the various legends and history surrounding the plot, throwing in a Japanese name every other word. It was completely impossible to follow, for me, without the visual... See full review

3/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
2/10 characters
2.8/10 overall