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  • Joined Feb 22, 2010
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Jul 10, 2013

Naruto where people die... Alot. I'm the kind of person who enjoys anime with depth, character development, and powerful themes. None of these are present in Basilisk, but because I dove into it knowing what it was as opposed to hoping for some masterpiece, I was able to relax and enjoy nearly every episode. There is something morbidly exciting about a bunch of super powered characters being introduced, wondering how they'll kill or be killed and not worrying about character development. As a matter of fact, the funny thing is that basilisks biggest weakness is trying to develop characters as opposed to... See full review

4/10 story
7.5/10 animation
9/10 sound
2/10 characters
6/10 overall

Boogiepop Phantom

Apr 6, 2010

I will only give boogiepop phantom an overall rating, as it is not the kind of anime that would benefit from an in depth analysis of every aspect. It is also the worst anime I have had the displeasure of viewing(Update: No longer the worst!). I won't lie and say it doesn't have it's interesting aspects, but it is an overall unrewarding experience. Boogiepop phantom begins with a mysterious beam of light, which takes place a month before the series begins to be fleshed out, and 5 years after some serial killings. I'll say now that this whole beam of light, nor the following events are really satisfactorily... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
3.5/10 overall


Mar 1, 2010

Story:Finally, I get around to review Berserk. While nothing is wholly perfect, the parts of Berserk that are, can only be described as mind blowing. When you sit there having watched Berserk, it really hits you how signifigantly you've graduated from DBZ. If for some reason you watched the first episode and it turned you off. No. Turn back around and watch the next episode. I would recommend skipping the first episode, just like Berserks brother Gungrave. Although watching the first episode won't destroy your experience, your experience will be enchanced by jumping right in to episode 2. Berserk is epic... See full review

10/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall