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Chrome Shelled Regios

Sep 7, 2016

How can I best describe this series? It is like...watching a beautiful swirl of white-crested waves, only to realize about 2/3 of the way through that you're zoomed in on a toilet bowl in the middle of flushing a massive load of.... You get the idea.

The characters, voice acting, animation and world are excellent. This lends a solid start to the series. But, by the time you make it halfway through you're confused where it is going. By the time you reach 2/3rds you are desperately hoping that somehow it will all make sense if you finish it. When you are left utterly unable to comprehend what the hell you just watched.

Perhaps for those who have read the source material this may be a decent anime, for everyone else it's (sadly as it seemed promising) completely and utter trash. A deplorable waste of good characters and world building thrown away on a plot that puts even the infamous ending of 2001 Space Odyssey to shame for sheer confusion.

This is, by my best estimate, my 107th anime series and in all that experience...this was the most confused failed plot that I've ever encountered. I highly recommend you skip this, unless you're a fan of the source material that might make sense of it (maybe). 

1/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
7/10 characters
3/10 overall
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