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  • The Hellsing Organization
  • Joined May 22, 2010
  • 30 / M

Angel Beats!

Sep 29, 2012

Angel Beats! is like a house of cards being built by someone who gets easily frustrated; a good idea, but by the end it all falls apart because it just never stays still. As a concept, Angel Beats! is something new with the whole purgatory/afterlife-school thing, and that could have worked, but it doesn't get very far with it. It just doesn't seem to lift itself off the ground that much.

A major problem with Angel Beats! is that we as an audience are supposed to accept things without any clarifying statements. In fact, that's the first thing that comes up in the series. Otonashi asks where he is and... See full review

2.3/10 story
9.5/10 animation
9/10 sound
6.4/10 characters
6.3/10 overall