Tyranomaster's avatar


  • Iowa
  • Joined Jan 27, 2014
  • 28 / M

This is a great read.  People tend to group it with No Game No Life and SAO sort of story, but it really has a much more unique feel to it.  I'm currently devouring every translated page of the webseries the day they get translated, and if the manga follows it even moderately closely (which it is so far), then I can easily mark this as a really fantastic series.  Unlike a lot of series where the MC is obviously destined to be the hero, this story tends to take a much more unique way of going about it.  The MC seems weaker than some of the other heroes, and although he is very powerful, he himself doesn't feel that way, and rather he enjoys learning other things about the world that he now lives in.  The MC goes on a lot of "Ordinary" adventures in a land of the extraordinary, and these normal activities end up helping people more than "Heroics" would (and heroics often caused the issues).  All in all a great read.  The web series is constantly getting traslated (2-3 webchapters a day on average, or equivalently between half to a full manga chapter).  Its a really good read, and you can choose to wait for more manga chapters, or dive full into the web series (no pictures, only words).

8/10 story
7/10 art
10/10 characters
8/10 overall
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