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  • Canada, eh
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  • 32 / M

Diabolik Lovers

Dec 13, 2013

Vile shitbags draining the blood of a young, helpless, maiden against her consent in ever-escalating, creepy sadistic ways. I've seen a hefty load of shitty anime in my days, but this... this is on par with Funny Pets, one of my most hated shows ever. In all seriousness, this has to be one of the most vile, disgusting, repulsive and humanity-slapping series I've had the unholy misfortune of watching while lacking anything redeemable or anything that might qualify as a guilty pleasure for that one specific trait. Not so bad it's good, no so bad it's hilarious, not so bad it's bad, but so bad that it makes... See full review

0.5/10 story
3/10 animation
3/10 sound
0.5/10 characters
0.5/10 overall

Battle Royal High School

Dec 2, 2013

Story: The story is retarded. Wait, wait wait wait, that came out wrong. Let me start over again. Story: The story is fucking retarded. That's better. As to why it's fucking retardifucks instead of mere retardation of whatever the fuck is going on, well, that's easy! Everything about it! From the school life of King, a guy who likes to wear a Jaguar mask for shits and giggles who can kick the asses of all the punk bitches in his former Karate club, including the 7 foot tall gorilla captain; to the Space Time Continuum Police Force stopping a demonic demon lord of darkness from conqueroring the world due to... See full review

?/10 story
7/10 animation
5/10 sound
2/10 characters
5/10 overall

Roots Search

Nov 6, 2013

Story: Woah. This shit was fucking mindblowing, like six shotguns pointed at your brain and they all go off all at once. It's deep, philosophical, religious, mythological, mind-altering crack meth, The Thing in space, Alien- Or Aliens, either or but minus the ass kicking anybody who duct tapes a bunch of guns together to kick some ass culminating in a scrotum-wrecking mama bear finale that kicks ass, Cthulhu, penis tentacles and my favorite, asphyxiation for it's wacked up spelling. Basically, I had no idea what the fuck was going on or how much was smoked when the last five minutes rolled around because... See full review

5/10 story
3/10 animation
4/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall

Reign: The Conqueror

Oct 20, 2013

Story: I'm no Alexandrian Historian and what I know about Alexander the Ass Kicker is limited to Deadliest Warrior and Fate/Zero so I can hardly comment on the changes they made to make it space age ancient history. What I can comment on is the sheer amount of crack LSD that was used because the part with the dog wasn't made after eating rotisserie chicken. Shit gets fucking trippy when Alexander goes on a dope trip in his moonage daydream with Dographes as he looks into the future eye to gaze upon cities and landscapes, the destruction and creation, the end and the beginning, the armies and the people... See full review

2.5/10 story
5/10 animation
3/10 sound
2.5/10 characters
2.5/10 overall

Brothers Conflict

Oct 14, 2013

Story: I'll admit that I'm not qualified to review this based on story, or "plot", considering that I paid attention to it as much as one would watch dishes dry (No dishwasher), which is to say I sometimes go at it with a cloth and wipe them suckers clean but other times, I just leave it while I go do other shit while keeping an eye on it still. Bad analogy really, but my point is is that it's shit, the story is shit, the characters are shit, the events are shit, the music is actually quite nice, especially when it steps into some jazz, that little brat is shit, that squirrel is shit, generally... See full review

2/10 story
5.5/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
1.5/10 characters
2.5/10 overall

Softenni Specials

Sep 3, 2013

Special generally means fanservice, and it does mean fanservice if the regular series is some titty show or chockful of fanservice and bitches. This mainly falls into the category of the latter, for the lack of tits. It has tits but not enough. The special deals with hot springs because nothing says special than getting naked or slapping on some bikinis for some sexy time in water. They already dedicated an episode to bath houses and onsens back in the third episode for no reason at all and they're doing it here again, for no reason at all because fanservice. The reason is they have a tournament or some... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
3/10 overall

Arata the Legend

Sep 1, 2013

Story: I don't like this show so I'll throw in as much tastefully foul language and references to male private parts as possible while remaining my usually coherent self. Now, it isn't solely due to the pussy protagonist who is as manly as a sack of air and candy bar wrappers or the fact that I couldn't give a rat's ass about what was going on or how his arch nemesis Douchefuck is a complete and utter douchebag, not all of those but all are part of the many, many problems of this cliched shitstorm. I guess I better start off somewhere, as in the premise. I'll be spoiling some shit, but it's kinda... See full review

2.5/10 story
3.5/10 animation
4/10 sound
2/10 characters
2.5/10 overall


Aug 30, 2013

Story: Already we're off to a bad start because I could give less than a hot turd about the plot. Not that it's bad, a plot is off to the right start if it's about hot chicks tearing each other's clothes off with sharp implements or lasers but damn if I remember half of the shit that was explained. I'm also (Or am) sure that it's a wonderful plot about genetically modifying hot chicks into hot fighting chicks with superpowers to save the earth from angels- Excuse me, Novas, with their boyfriends- Excuse me again, boy- well, boy. I guess. Because you need sexual tension between a superpowered babe and her... See full review

3/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
2.5/10 characters
3/10 overall


Aug 20, 2013

Story: It's about a group of girls that play soft tennis, which is played with a soft sack or a soft ball and they smack it around a court that is just like a tennis court, but with a squishy sack instead of one of those tennis balls. And with any other show about a group of adolescent (Teenage, whatever, school girls) girls, they do shit that may or may not have to do with whatever shit it is that they're suppose to be doing, be it band or popping shots with guns. What really pushes the envelope in this staple of the "girls doing shit" genre is that they are playing soft tennis, a sport that... See full review

3/10 story
5.5/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall

Kagaku na Yatsura

Aug 8, 2013

Story: Grading Kagaku na Yatsura's story is like grading the story of a porno: You ain't watching it for plot, characters, depth, sensibility or humanitarianism filled morality with a moral, you're watching it for the porn. That is the case right here, because the random chapters they plucked out of the cleavage of the manga is just that: Pointless, senseless, stupid, setting back woman's progress for 25 years and chockful of titties and milk, more than your daily recommended dosage. But I'll try, because that's what I'm here for: boob jokes. Plot, you don't give a fuck about that. The progress is stupid... See full review

1/10 story
10/10 animation
4/10 sound
2/10 characters
2/10 overall

Leviathan: The Last Defense

Jul 28, 2013

Story: Hmmm... I don't think I have the brain power to write a full review for something as boring as this. It's boring and I'm drawing a blank. Cliche, boring, numbing, dull, shit happens but you don't give a shit. ...Shit, I am drawing a blank. It's largely unexciting as the girls do cute stuff, and they fit in with the archetypes: Tomboy, rich loli and stoic chick with the largest chest. But the barkeep has a larger one, and some of the stuff that happens for giggles is a bunch of running jokes or I hope it is and not the writers running out of ideas. There are a few interesting and funny moments but... See full review

3/10 story
4/10 animation
?/10 sound
4/10 characters
2.5/10 overall

Valvrave the Liberator

Jul 18, 2013

Story: To set the tone right off the bat, most of it is an orgy of pink bubblegum explosions and laser spams, and I mean a fuckton of lasers, bullets from chainguns (IN SPACE), a buttfuck fuckton of missiles because shit blowing up, you know? You know. Shit blows up. A lot. And mecha just tearing shit apart. Action in every single episode of this batshit insane, stupid ass series with twists up the wazoo. Wazoo? Think of it as ass because why not. It's chock full of 'em, irregardless of how illogical, stupid or silly they are. But to start off coherently or sensibly, it's pure, action-packed fun. I mean... See full review

6/10 story
9/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
5/10 characters
9/10 overall


Jul 2, 2013

DTAB presents yet another crappy anime, but one devoid of nudity, sufficient violence and plot. Story: Talking about the story depresses me. I mean, look at the A-P Entry! It's boobs! You don't expect plot or any of that fancy shit when the first picture of the series you see is a girl going "Awww, my bra doesn't fit anymore!". But it does provide a plot and before I get to it, let me make a quick... relation to it, a harbinger of boobs if you will. The progression is like Seikon no Qwaser II. Plot in the first few episodes and then some filler shit that barely touches on plot. If you know... See full review

2/10 story
6/10 animation
3/10 sound
2/10 characters
2/10 overall

Kämpfer Picture Drama

Jul 2, 2013

Well. This was pointless. It's disembodied- disemboweled -I'm sure there's a difference- animals chatting about marketing practices, business models and a whole bunch of pointless shit. Aside from little thingamabobs that show whose talking or speech bubbles with those three dots indicating that the person intestine spewing animal thinks that the current topic/whatever shit they're talking about is... well, shit. It's more animation than a Picture Drama demands but sometimes you can't remember what each mutilated animal (OK, to be fair, one's- no, I'm sure they're all disemboweled, hanged dog or not)... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
1/10 overall

Digimon Adventure Movie 2: Bokura no War Game

Jun 26, 2013

Story: Holy shit guy, holy fucking shit. This plot man, it's like you just knocked out a lion with your balls. It's that fucking kickass and right now, I'm referring to that fucking kickass final fight, which is a total digiboner. Two digiboners actually. Man, that fight alone? Makes it 11/10 for being so fuckballs amazing and the pinnacle of everything thus far. Totally kicks the shit out of the next Digimovie and the second season for being so pimptastic and just so damn awesome. So fucking amazing that it's worth watching for that moment alone. So amazing. Alright, other stuff. Seriously,  I... See full review

8/10 story
9/10 animation
8.5/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall

Beast Fighter: The Apocalypse

Jun 19, 2013

Story: Science all up in this bitch, which is kinda... what do you call it? Fucked up or complete opposites, a total ball puncher, what? Whatever, I'll get to it. First, science. Against the Theory of Conceptual Awesome or TOCA, which dictates that a badass/awesome concept is instantly awesome and warrants awesome points no matter how shitty it is overall and for everything else. Apocalypse Zero and Geist are prime examples, and you can't add Majuu Sensen: The Apocalypse to the list. Why? Even though it has a fucking Chest Bear, as in a fucking bear head on his fucking chest that fucks up any fucker that... See full review

1.5/10 story
2/10 animation
3/10 sound
2/10 characters
1.5/10 overall

Maison Ikkoku: Kanketsuhen

Jun 15, 2013

If you haven't watched or read the series or haven't even got to the end of either adaptation, back up and walk away. This is an end-film, the last hoorah to the anime. I personally haven't watched much of the anime but I have read the manga so it's safe for me at least. And content-wise, it provides the biggest spoiler I can think of, and generally revolves around that and having a party in Godai's room because when don't they have a party? Drunken party-goers abound and the booze flows like water, just like the stream of characters that randomly walk in. And by random I mean nearly every damn person... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall

Iron Virgin Jun

Jun 13, 2013

Story: I'm a pretty classy guy and I've seen some real classy shit, and Iron Virgin Jun is as classy as a guy about to rape a girl with a spider dildo strapped to his crotch. Yes. Spider dildo. It makes sense in context and by that I mean that no one in their right mind would strap some animal/aviarian/reptile/insect-themed dildo to their crotch and rape an innocent women unless they're mentally deranged and clearly insane or a member of the Cherry Boys Gang (I'm not making shit up), as seen in this OVA. I just had to get that out of the way. The actual plot runs along the theme of rape because this girl... See full review

1.5/10 story
4/10 animation
5/10 sound
2/10 characters
2.5/10 overall

Death Billiards

Jun 11, 2013

Death Billiards! Woo! Time for a badass game of pool! TO THE DEATH! And let me tell you, I was totally psyched to watch Death Billiards because I judged it solely on the title. Not on the studio or any flim-flammery that deals with what it's about by a synopsis or what have you, but by this badass title. Death Billiards, because regular 8-Ball just ain't enough. And what the title implies is what you get: A game of billiards to the death, but wait, there's more! It's much more than a game to the death and I got my surprise on that front. It goes deeper than that and considering the short run-time of this... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall

Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time

Jun 10, 2013

Story: 10 minutes of it's hour runtime devoted to backstories on the three main duelists: Yugi Moto (Original), Jaden Yuki (GX, an academy dedicated to making kids into better duelists for a future in a children's trading card game) and that guy who plays card games on motorcycles (5D's, or 5 Dragons). About 30 minutes or so for the climatic card game that's not on motorcycles against the big bad and probably five minutes devoted to more card games, some on motorcycles. Then again, it's a movie about a children's trading card game. What would you expect? Loads of cheese is what. I can remember how to play... See full review

6/10 story
7.5/10 animation
6.5/10 sound
5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall

The Asylum Session

Jun 3, 2013

Story: I have no clue. Usually I have a clue but this shit was messed up. I may have watched it raw but even with subs, chances are it would have been a wet brain fart. From what I understood from the butt-ugly pictures, it was about a girl who meets this badass guy with a gun for the leg and an attitude that attracts women because all girls love bad boys. Except I don't know if she loves him. Not that it matters because it's about art and not breakdancing while scoring head exploding headshots with his gun leg and rifle. Stupid, ain't it? And it is, but it sends a message, one wrought with symbolism and... See full review

?/10 story
1.5/10 animation
3.5/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall

MD Geist II: Death Force

Jun 2, 2013

Spoilers for the first movie, not that you're watching either one for plot or any of that shit. Story: At the manly conclusion of the explosion blood fest that was MD Geist, Geist unleashed Death Force, which is a force of death. And it's metal bugs that eat the faces off people instead of face stabbing and they eat the rest of them like a bunch of douchebugs. So, Death Force. I don't know. I skipped the words again because it probably explained the first and how humanity was a bunch of dipshits who couldn't tell their mouths from their asses, fucked shit to apocalyptical standards and yadda yadda, Geist... See full review

1/10 story
4/10 animation
4/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall

MD Geist

Jun 2, 2013

For your benefit, MD stands for Manly Dangerous. Story: I'll be honest, I have no clue what the plot is. I skipped the intro with all the words that explained shit and skipped some of the more non-explody bits at the start that had either plot or worldbuilding. They weren't important, despite them being essential to understanding what was going on intellectually and even then probably unhelpful. If you think with your nuts and chest hair, you'll realize that it's about a guy named Geist, a member of MDS -which stands for Motherfucking Dominating Shitkicker- and he goes around killing the fuck out of... See full review

2/10 story
4/10 animation
6/10 sound
2/10 characters
5/10 overall

Ichigo 100%: Koi ga Hajimaru?! Satsuei Gasshuku - Yureru Kokoro ga Higashi e Nishi e

May 28, 2013

Story: What is a Jump Festa? I don't know and it has absolutely nothing to do with the OVA, despite it being in the title. But it surely involves plucking a random chapter that doesn't focus on Nishino (I'll say this now: I watched this shit after the series and the OVA series), slapping some animation on that ass and calling it a day. I can say that because this was pretty shitty despite having loads of innuendo, other innuendo by those in the DTAB who watched it, the sorrow few and... I think this was the one where Nishino had a lovely blue dress. You know that's getting top marks. But the plot, the... See full review

3/10 story
6/10 animation
?/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall

Ichigo 100% OVA

May 26, 2013

Story: You know, I enjoy plots as much as the next guy and when I say plots, I mean panties. Usually it'd be boobs but Ichigo concerns itself with panties more. But it also concerns itself with them by having them in the plot, and I don't just mean it as a basis for the original series but as part of one of the OVA episodes because strawberry panties are very important. Specifically strawberry. But important in the final OVA episode, and I'll get to it in due time, specifically. As a whole, they're random chapters taken from the manga. Random chapters and it introduces new characters, not pulled from the... See full review

2.5/10 story
4.5/10 animation
?/10 sound
3/10 characters
2.5/10 overall

Ichigo 100%

May 25, 2013

Story: Let me set the tone for this review, like all other reviews of it's like. It's terrible, and I mean TERRIBLE. I suffered an existential crisis of a sort as I wasn't too sure if the manga was really good after watching this show. It was so bad that I had to think on that! A show shouldn't let you think poorly about another adaptation you have gone through and thought moderately highly of! THAT IS NOT HOW YOU CREATE ANOTHER ADAPTATION. Now that's done, lets get onto the less important parts with occasional profanity. So, story. It's your typical harem anime. Guy does something perverted to the girl... See full review

2.5/10 story
3/10 animation
6.5/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall


May 21, 2013

For some strange reason I didn't expect it to be all... chesty, racked with fanservice and stacked with boobs. I should have because that's the first thing you think of when someone says hotsprings or onsen. Instead it's just cute girls trying to get a hotspring for cats, getting the temperature just right. That's it. I'm thinking it's meant to portray a small storyline for a happy-go-lucky manga that doesn't take itself seriously, concerning the lives of a group of girls and a guy (No harem) who run a hotsprings inn and it's made me mildly curious about the series. It's cute and for 6 minutes, it could be... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
5/10 overall

Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander

May 20, 2013

I have no idea. No idea how to rate this, no idea what I thought of it, no idea what the fuck this was about and that... entire fucking golden ball segment. No. Fucking. Clue. So let me start by explaining the plot, to bring you up to speed: So, cows. Space cows. They're all, or Kingblu, and I shit you not, Kingblu, Leader of the Space Cows, says that he needs... something from Earth, because no other barren hellhole of a world would work. He needs... something. Life? Milk? More cows? Is he a revolutionary king bent on freeing cows from the yolk of tyranny of their human captors? Does Cowtopia need cows?... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
5/10 overall

Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture

May 18, 2013

Story: Lets see... there are these bunch of... warriors, of different ethnic origins (It's important) and they fight this lady who looks like a dude. She uses some magical powers and shit to totally jack them up and they do some magic of their own to escape it. It really makes more sense if you watch it until it actually happens because none of it makes much sense- but anyway, good trying to combat evil fails so 100 years later, because all good time skips are divisible by 5, the heroes are reborn, or they're still alive and looking the same- Ugh. It's a pain in the ass to try and explain it so I'm going... See full review

2/10 story
2.5/10 animation
2.5/10 sound
3/10 characters
2/10 overall

Apocalypse Zero

May 15, 2013

Warning: This review will contain spoilers of some of the complete mind fuckery that goes on in this shit. Mental scarring should be accompanied by screams of agony and pain as the images assault your feeble mind. The screenshots on the site are censored for your viewing displeasure. You have been warned. Story: Mental scarring in a bit, the plot is really quite simple: This guy, badass on his own with his pimp uniform, gets this totally kickass armour that allows him to kick even more ass: The Zero armour, because things and people called Zero are so righteously badass. So this badass probably swears to... See full review

3/10 story
5.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall