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  • Joined Dec 27, 2010
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Zeta Gundam, first off, this show has nothing to do with a Greek letter. Rather, it's a grand space epic with giant robots thrown in for good measure and to make sure Bandai has a new line of Gunpla to sell during it's run and beyond.

Taking place 7 years after the One Year War ended in the first series, we follow the footsteps of Kamille Bidan as he finds himself alongside the Anti-Earth-Union-Group, or A.E.U.G. This new force is there to stop the exploits of the new rival forces known as the Titans. With a complete disragard for civilians or others involved in their exploits, the Titans make more compelling enemies than Zeon in the first series, since Zeon actions were mainly focused on destroying the White Base.

After managing to acquire a Gundam Mark. II from the Titan forces, Kamille ends up becoming one of the main mobile suit pilots for the Arguma, the White Base of Zeta Gundam if you will. There, he is suspected to be a Newtype, a new type of humans who can read thought waves and have heightened senses, making them more invaluable as pilots. So Zeta Gundam begins with our lead character in tow.

Now, one thing that is drastically superior to the previous series is the animation quality. It was seven years since the original Gundam series aired, so after finding out that it was a hit thanks to the film re-releases, a lot more budget was put into the animation, and it's a feast to the eyes. The mobile suits move around space and Earth with high detail in movement and the actual characters, of course, take a back seat in terms of animation quality.

In terms of sound, the soundtrack is widely regarded as legendary because of it's heavy use of orchestra, and it definitely helps heighten the feeling of war in the show. The voices, despite being being two years after the English dub of the original Gundam, the voices sound completely different and recurring characters from the original series like Amuro and Bright don't have their original voices. This must be because a different dubbing company dubbed the voices, so it's not a big deal, though the voices aren't as amazing as the first series, though some characters do shine above the others.

Also to note, there is more of a focus on romance in Zeta Gundam. Though fairly brief, some relationships definitely help flesh out the main cast, and this is great because it wasn't that prominent in the original. I won't say who goes with who, since, well, they're spoilers for those who want to watch this show.

In conclusion, so far, this is my favorite Gundam series. I've been watching the series in order of their release, so this is only the second one I've seen, and from what I've heard from others about the other series, Zeta Gundam is regarded as the best in the franchise compared to the other series. The animation is great, the soundtrack is brilliant and the character development and romance that takes place is welcome to this franchise. I can't say this enough, go watch Zeta Gundam for one of the best shows in the mecha anime genre!

9/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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