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  • Arizona
  • Joined Feb 21, 2006
  • 38 / M

These anime aim to make you laugh through satire, parody, humorous observations, slapstick scenarios, or absurd antics. Bonus points for spitting your drink all over your screen!

These anime feature young, generally school-aged girls as defenders of love, life, and justice. They typically stumble upon the source of a magical power, or are granted one by allies that are aware of evil forces on the rise. Often by using a special item or with the help of a magical familiar, these characters are able to transform into an alter-ego ready to cause mischief or fight their foes. Magical Girl is a sub-genre of Henshin Heroes.

Shounen (少年), translated as "young boy", is a demographic aimed at boys and young men, from elementary school age to around the age of 15. Shounen is the counterpart of Shoujo, a demographic aimed at teenage girls.