Skoal's avatar


  • Canada
  • Joined Jul 15, 2008
  • 34 / M

Note that when I rate anime, I try to be as objective as possible.


What the ratings mean:

0.0: Not yet rated. I only rate anime that I have watched fully.

--Bad Anime--

0.5 to 1.5: Bad writing, bad animation, bad voice acting, bad overall production. Watching this anime is worse than doing nothing. Don't watch.

2.0: Equivalent to doing nothing. The production values are not unreasonably bad, but the writing is still horrible. There is nothing to gain from watching.

2.5: Very mildly entertaining, but still a waste of time. Has some worthwhile aspects, but they get dragged down by the overall crappiness. However, the production values are OK, and the animation is passable.

--Good Anime--

3.0: Acceptable. Occasionally has some good things to offer. Nothing else about this anime really stands out on its own.

3.5: Good. Watching this anime is recommended. The writing and conception of the project show some creativity and ingenuity. However, it may lack consistency, likability or ambitiousness.

4.0: Great. Has excellent production in all areas and is probably very entertaining as well. However, there are some isolated but glaring flaws that does take away from the experience. Nonetheless, watching this anime is highly recommended.

4.5: Anime doesn't get much better than this. The premise is robust, and the narrative is extremely compelling. Tends to be either highly polished, or so ingenuous that it makes up for any existing flaws. All in all, watching this anime is a must.

5.0: Shockingly good. Pushes the boundaries and limitations of storytelling, without alienating the audience. Highly ambitious. Intimately connected with human nature. It is recommended that you not only watch this anime, but also think about it for a long time afterwards.

I now drop anything that I think will turn out to be lower than a 3.5.

I judge movies more harshly than TV series.

For most anime, the quality deteriorates near the end of the series. I do not let this affect the ratings negatively, as long as a large chunk of the anime is consistently good. However, I do give bonus ratings for strong overall consistency.

Tip: When judging the validity of other user's ratings, look for a normal distribution in their ratings bar graph. You can expect to see a slight upward shift in the distribution, as users are likely to prefer watching and rating anime that they think are good. As you can see, my bar graph displays a nice normal distribution.

I 'heart' characters that I find particularly interesting, but I don't see the point of distinguishing characters that I don't find interesting. So I 'broken heart' characters that particularly annoy me.

I also heart voice actors and directors that I am a fan of.

I add people on my "Friends" list if I think they write particularly good reviews or have great taste in anime. It doesn't necessarily mean that they actually are my friends or even that they know who I am.


I got my username off a package of chewing tobacco. I have never chewed or smoked tobacco in my life, but for some reason it was the object nearest to me at the time.

The character in my profile picture is Homer Simpson. I drew it myself on MS Paint.

Life on anime

  • 20 Minutes
  • 18 Hours
  • 3 Days
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

110 total

Life on manga

  • 30 Minutes
  • 11 Hours
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

What?! No manga ratings?

Encourage Skoal to add some by leaving a comment below!

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I'm not a fan of these characters


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sothis Oct 22, 2008


well hello there...