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  • Seattle, WA
  • Joined Sep 10, 2009
  • 37 / M

Xam'd: Lost Memories

Mar 16, 2010

After seeing multple reviewer's very high scores for X'amd:Lost Memories I decided to give the show a chance. Though I don't usually choose to absorb any fiction based on reviews alone I found the genre tags and recommendation-pairings appealing as well. The story starts out with a great hook augmented by tactful ambiguity. Sadly, after the first episode the thick ambiguity remains, which helps in artistic interpretation, but heavily damages face-value narrative craft. Towards the end of the series I didn't know what world the characters inhabited, or even any historical context. Because of this the story... See full review

6.5/10 story
8.5/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall