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  • Seattle, WA
  • Joined Sep 10, 2009
  • 37 / M

Resident Evil: Degeneration

Feb 13, 2011

Resident Evil: Degeneration caught my eye immediately because of a familiarity with the series, but until recently I didn't have the time to view it. Though I'm not the biggest fanboy of the Resident Evil videogame series I can honestly confess that I've completed multiple play-throughs of both the fourth and fifth installments; also, I've had opportunities to catch up on the story from other games via friends, the internet, etc. With this solid RE background I came began the movie with a veritable amount of hype but sensible expections. A lot of the hype came from the stunning visuals. At times... See full review

7/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
7/10 overall