Purplefeeling's avatar


  • Belgium, Flanders
  • Joined Jul 23, 2010
  • 31 / M


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Clannadia May 7, 2011

I forgot to say: you seem like a true XXXHolic fan^^ A pleasure to meet you.

Clannadia May 7, 2011

I didn't say the character design was bad. I just said the animation was messy. And I know pretty well by now clamp style, I read about everything they did.

In terms of animation you know.....when the characters are not the same lenght than in a other frame. Instable animation. Sometimes characters just felt like splotches of ink in a corner. But you can't say it is not low-buget because it is...just watch Kei after it. There is an huge improvement.

Thank you for reading my comment. Please continue to read my reviews^^

I do not bite.

Galadriel Jan 24, 2011

Nah way different than HOTD, if i were to give a proper similar anime, the only one i can think of is Kiddy Grade.

rossi17 Jan 16, 2011




Ophidian Jan 3, 2011

Hey! Yeah I bought them all through Book Depository. All of them got delivered in +- 7 days. They are in English, printed original manga style (right-to-left).

