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  • Right Behind You- Poke* Poke*
  • Joined Apr 17, 2011
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Grave of the Fireflies

Apr 22, 2011

I do not often say that a movie or show is a must watch, but, I strongly believe that this film should be shown to every human, in every spoken language. We as a society have glamorized war.  War is not beautiful. . . War is downright ugly and sad. People who have not experienced war themselves, or are not close to someone who has, may not really have a true grasp on the horrors and devastation it can bring. This film takes off all of the glamor and shows you the ugly truth. . . and by doing so it becomes a timeless work of art. If you really think about it, for or the most part we only hear ... See full review

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall