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  • Joined Feb 18, 2012
  • 34 / F


Dec 13, 2013

I must preface this review with the admission that I barely made it through this series. It was an effort of sheer willpower and stubbornness that saw me through to the end of these seemingly ENDLESS 24-minute stretches of NOTHING. If not only for the sake of actually having it as a completely watched series in my list, I also desperately wanted to dig in deep and try to find what all the fuss was about over this anime. The reviews were mostly glowingly favourable, at a glance, and the rating is relatively solid... so what was I missing? Well, the only conclusion that I can draw is that... See full review

5.5/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
6.5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall