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  • Califorina
  • Joined Feb 4, 2011
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Samurai Deeper Kyo

Dec 1, 2013

For those of you who have not read the manga are probably like "oh this animes not so bad, it's pretty good actually." WRONG! This anime is horrible! They barely, BARELY followed the manga. After reading the manga I was like "oh I love this fight, let me go watch it in anime form" And what do you know the fights not there! The only thing that is the same is probably the characters names! What makes me mad is that the manga is AMAZING. The characters, the action ,the stroyline is all really good (yes it has its own faults, no manga is perfect mind you) and it's so good that an anime adaption of it would be just as popular as Gintama or Bleach. "SAY WHHHAAATT??!!" Yes it's true. The anime RUINED its image! Now i know some of you are thinking "well the anime doesnt have to follow the managa! It can still be amazing!" True. However, this anime was lacking so much to begin with that it is impossoble to become anything but a distant memories to those who have watched it. The skeleton of the story is still there but everything else....*sigh*. I hope and pray they make a remake of this anime like they did for Hunter x Hunter and FMA Brotherhood, because manga deserves a better adaptation then this!

4/10 story
5/10 animation
6/10 sound
3/10 characters
4.3/10 overall
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