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  • Joined Jun 7, 2008
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Hell Girl: Two Mirrors

Jul 20, 2011

Everyone who knows my tastes slightly well knows that I'm all for sad/tragic/depressing/bitter/dark stories, and Jigoku Shoujo excels at this. I remember myself being somewhat bored through some of the episodic plots in the first season, but in this second part I really liked most of them, and even the lesser graceful ones were good. It's a fact that my love for dark stuff has grown along the years so that may have some influence... but it's not like I didn't enjoy these kinds of stories back then in 2006/07, when I watched the first season. I've never been a fan of shows that pretend to be serious but... See full review

8/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7.5/10 characters
7.5/10 overall